Chapter 2

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Somedays it gets pretty sad and boring here. I mean Hunk's always making something and Shiro well... Let's not open that wound. Thank God Coran and Matt are coming to visit. It's nice every once in a while to see two other people other than Hunk and Shiro. There's a knock on the castle door. It's Matt and Coran. I run all the way down when Hunk beats me there. "CORAN!" Hunk yells giving Coran a hug. "Yes it is I. Coran Coran the gorgeous man" He replies. I walk up to them. "What's going on? Is there a party here?" Coran gives me a big hug. Man that felt nice. Getting a hug of course. "Wow guys just ignore me" Matt says. "Sorry man." Hunk says giving him a hug. "Hi Matt" I say giving him a handshake. There were too many hugs already. I'm glad to see them. Today is gonna be a good day I can feel it.

"Hang on guys. I'm gonna see if Shiro's up" I leave to go find space dad's room. I knock on his door. It opens. Huh that's weird. It never does that. I look around. "Shiro? Are you in here? Coran and Matt came to visit today. I thought you'd say hi." I say. "Shiro?" I wonder... Maybe he's in the training room. I leave to go find him when I run into Shiro. "There you are! Coran-" "I know" Shiro interrupted. This is the first time Shiro's spoken in months. I stand there shocked as he walks away. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "It's been rough for him, I know" It's Coran. "Now let's leave the poor man be and have lunch." He takes me to the kitchen. I can't help but feel bad for space dad. I wish I could help. But I should listen to Coran and just let him be. We reach the kitchen to find Hunk cooking his "famous" Goo Lasagna. It was okay. I mean they're not like the ones that momma used to cook were amazing. I miss them. I miss Keith. I miss earth. Coran and I sat down across from Matt awaiting Hunk's return with the lasagna. "Alright here it is. 2 layers of lasagna and goo. Enjoy. All compliments go to the chef." Hunk set the dish down. And Matt began to dig in. I remember if momma would see us try and grab the food before grace she would smack our hand and yell at us in Spanish. But I guess all of that's different now. I get up and leave. "Lance where are-" Coran starts. "I'm not hungry" I leave to my room. I thought today was a good day... I guess not. I reach my room and grab paper and a pin.

Dear Keith,

         It's Lance. Coran and Matt came to visit today. It was good. I mean it's better than laying around all day in silence. Have you found Allura? Well you won't answer because I never send these things. I don't know why I still write them.No one knows about them. Not even hunk and that's saying something. Anyways I have nothing else to say beautiful purple furry. I mean Keith... heh sorry about that. It happens whenever I think about you... I'm just gonna go...



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