Chapter 2

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He's perfect no he's more than perfect.

I just need to know his name, and that's exactly what I'm about to do.

NO! NO! NO! I will not. I need to focus getting done with this year! I do not need or want a boyfriend.

All the girls had they're hands on him like he was an animal at a petting zoo.

His face was saying he liked it but, in his eyes he was totally creeped out.

Then he looked at me, and I froze.

What do I do. I'm freaking out I've never had a boy look at me, they all stay away from me.

I decided just to walk away.


My first class is writing, my worst subject.

I don't know it just hate me.

Right as I'm thinking about my hatred for writing the door opens, and the zoo keeper walks in.

He walks towards me but I take no interest in where he's going.

Until I hear a chair screech beside me, and I hate the sound it makes.

"Hey beautiful" he whispers in my ear.

"Who are you and what do you think your doing whispering in my ear!" I practically scream.

"Just complimenting a pretty lady" he says with a smirk on his face.

"Answer my first question who are you"

"You'll figure that out after class", how can he be so confident he doesn't even know me.

"No I'll figure out....." I get interrupted by our 90 year old teacher walking in.

"Hello class" she says as loud as her fragile body will let her, and that's not very loud.

"As your first day of school, you will write about the person beside you who will be your partner for the rest of the year"

Oh no, I will not be partners with him for the rest of the year, but it doesn't look like I have a choice does it.

"Okay now answer my question, what's your name", the look in my eyes was dead serious.

"It's Taylor, Taylor Caniff. And yours is", that stupid smirk is still on his face.

"Belle Winchester", I do not want him to know my name, I don't even want him to know what I look like.

"A pretty name, for a pretty girl", his comment makes me role my eyes.

"How old are you", I don't really care need to get this class over with.

"18 years of age, I'm guessing your 12, you look young", by know I want to choke him.

"Very funny, I'm 17, next month I'll be 18"

"One more question, are you single", no smirk this time, just one eyebrow up.

"That's none of your business, but I'm single. Why do you care"

"I don't, just wanted to know", I shouldn't have told him, but he's not getting with me so I don't care.

"Class dismissed!" Mrs.Collins says.

Last thing I see is him and his smirk walking out the door.

Changing The Bad Boys Smirk (A Taylor Caniff Story)Where stories live. Discover now