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It is time for Christmas,as music is playing in the background in Mystreet as it is clear as snow. Everyone is outside and laughing to celebrate the holiday. They make snow angels in the snow.

Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn are outside in the snow and started making snow angels together. Once they sit up and see their snow angels. The two shared the kiss together then KC put a smile on Katelyn's snow angel,then put cat ears on top of her own snow angel. She giggles.

"Should I give you a Meif'wa snow angel too?" asked Kawaii~Chan.

Katelyn nodded.

So,Kawaii~Chan gave Katelyn's snow angel as a Meif'wa. Katelyn laughs,and lays her head right next to Kawaii~Chan's shoulder. Kawaii~Chan blushed in a hint of pink and giggled.

Katelyn looked into her wristwatch and checked the time to see that the both of them should be baking some cookies,and other treats for the party.

"Come on,Kawaii~Chan,we are in charge of the baking that Aphmau entrusts us with,we could play out in the snow later." said Katelyn.

Kawaii~Chan whines,and lays down flat into the snowy ground covering the grass. She groans she wants to spend more time outside with Katelyn~Sama.

Katelyn chuckled,and tugs Kawaii~Chan towards her,and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Then,Kawaii~Chan got up and smiled. She hurried over to their house as Katelyn followed as she still had her hand onto Kawaii~Chan's hand.

Kawaii~Chan let go of Katelyn's hand,and opened up their door and walked inside the house as Katelyn followed behind her. Katelyn walked,and went over to a table and turned on the radio. The radio played some normal Christmas music that is played in the house. Katelyn hums,and heads over to the kitchen to see Kawaii~Chan is wearing a Meif'wa apron.

Katelyn went and grabbed her apron that is a blue feisty Meif'wa on fire or in rage either way she wore it.

The two together decided to bake some food,snacks and some desserts for their friends and family. So,they grab some ingredients from the shelf,from top to bottom shelf and some supplies to help them with it.

Katelyn wanted to make some strawberry cake,while Kawaii~Chan is already starting some cookies that could be enjoyed with friends. These two have a strong relationship as their polar opposites of each other.

Katelyn could hear Kawaii~Chan humming,then sometimes singing. She adores her singing voice as it is so beautiful.

"She's so beautiful." said Katelyn,muttering to herself.

While Kawaii~Chan couldn't hear Katelyn as she is busy with the cookies,and other desserts.

After around two hours,they have some desserts and cookies,and cake together in the kitchen. Kawaii~Chan looks like she is a mess but she is okay with it. She giggles at her mess. Katelyn kissed Kawaii~Chan's cheek,and Kawaii~Chan blushed heavily. She shouts;


Kawaii~Chan's eyes were rolling in circles as she was surprised by Katelyn's kiss attack.

Katelyn laughs,then Kawaii~Chan comes back to her senses as she smells the desserts and drools.

"They're so delicious." said Kawaii~Chan.

Kawaii~Chan tried to reach out for the cookie but was tugged away by Katelyn.

"No no,KC. You can eat one once we have the party and if we have leftovers after the party you can eat them,deal." said Katelyn.

Kawaii~Chan whines,and pouts at Katelyn.

"Don't give me that look silly." said Katelyn as she chuckled.

Then,suddenly they heard pounding at the door but when Kateyn was going to open the door,sadly Garroth broke the poor door,and rushed inside with Travis who charged toward the desserts but was stopped by Katelyn's strength.

"Excuse me boys,but you cannot just break our door just for desserts!" shouted Katelyn.

"Well excuse me that the smell of the desserts has a strong scent since I am clearly a werewolf now,and Travis came along...why not." said Garroth.

Travis chuckled,as she tried to sneak past Katelyn to attempt to get the snacks but was stopped by Katelyn once more.

"Get out...and fix my door." said Katelyn.

The two of them want to get past Katelyn badly but her strength is too strong like Garroth,so the two of them whine,and pout at Katelyn like they are begging on their knees.


The two sighed,and got up from their knees,and left the house as they didn't even manage to fix the door back up. Katelyn was annoyed as she went to her front door and picked it up and set it in place in front of the doorway.

Aww,I feel sad for Travis,and Garroth. They really want to try and eat the desserts. I mean it is hard to resist eating one,they're probably starving." said Kawaii~Chan as her ears flopped.

"KC,don't give in to their desires to eat our food that we worked hard on,remember Aphmau gave us a task,and that task is fulfilled." said Katelyn as she leaned over the door and looked at Kawaii~Chan.

"C-C-Can i have one,at least one." said Kawaii~Chan as she pouts once more.

Katelyn sighs,and gives in.

"Sure..." said Katelyn,then Katelyn looked at her door and sighed once more. "I wonder if i could find someone to hire to fix this dumb door or get it replaced again." she added.

As night has fallen,the both of them are in their pajamas together,and they walked over to the window,and could see stars are out for tonight. Kawaii~Chan points at a star and giggles as Katelyn lays her head on Kawaii~Chan's shoulder.

Then,the two shared a kiss together.

"Let's get some sleep." said Katelyn.

Kawaii~Chan nods as soon as she is picked up by Katelyn and headed off to the bedroom that they shared together.


-Christmas Day-

As Christmas arrived,the two of them woken themselves up in the morning and yawned in unison. Katelyn has messy hair,as Kawaii~Chan's hair was neat. They say their good mornings to each other and get themselves out of the bed and stretch their arms and legs. Soon,the two headed over to the bathroom,and showered together.

They got dressed,and ate breakfast together as the radio played another Christmas tune. Katelyn then turned off the radio as she,and Kawaii~Chan were ready to go to Aphmau's home to give her the desserts for tonight. Katelyn with her strength carried a tray of desserts as easily as Kawaii~Chan carried the jars of cookies.

Once they arrived at Aphmau's house. Kawaii~Chan knocks on the door with her left hand. The door opens and it reveals Aaron answering the door. He welcomed the both of them and thanked them for helping out. He took the desserts,and the cookies and took them onto the countertop in the kitchen.

Before they could leave,Kawaii~Chan shrieked as she looked up to see a mistletoe above the both of them. The two stand there just blushing at each other. Katelyn blinks her eyes slowly and wants to try to escape as she knows what Aphmau is trying to do while Kawaii~Chan is just smiling.

So,Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn had no other choice but kissed each other underneath the mistletoe. While Aphmau has a camera in front of her and giggling to herself. Aaron stop putting stuff away and sees his beloved fiancée is giggling. She pulled him next to her and took the picture.

As they shared the kiss,Kawaii~Chan's ears perked up as she heard a camera making a sound,she turned her head to see Aphmau holding a camera,taking a picture of the two couples.

Kawaii~Chan is currently blushing red all over her face while Katelyn shouts,and yells at Aphmau while blushing.

"APHMAU!" Shouted Kateyn.

Aphmau held the camera and ran away from Katelyn's wrath as if it was worth it. Meanwhile Kawaii~Chan stood there blushing,and was in awe. She deeply loves Katelyn.

"Kate~Chan is sailing!" 

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