Chapter 18

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I helped him complete dinner. We sat and talked about little things while we waited for it to finish cooking. We set the table ate and cleaned up. I was full of anticipation. We were going to play Getting to Know You again, which could only mean that he really liked playing. I really wanted to play again.

When dinner was done and cleaned up we settled with a bottle of wine in front of the fire and prepared to play our new favorite game. We sat back to back with our shoulders touching and relaxed. I sipped my wine.

"Do you want me to start?"

"Ladies first, My Love. Ask away."

"Do you want me to go light on you or just hit you with them?"

"However, you feel. I like answering your questions. Does that count as a question?"

I laughed deep. "No"

"Okay. I'm ready."

"What is something you would never do?" I asked.
"Cheat. I know that sounds cheesy and people say it all the time, but I promise you. I won't. Not emotionally or physically. They both hurt so deeply on a level you can't control. I never want to hurt you. I can't promise that I won't. I can promise you that I will never try. So, I will never cheat on our relationship because that would be trying to hurt you.

"Not cheesy. I know you don't make promises easily."

"Tell me something you have never told anyone else," he said quietly.

"I want to dance in the rain and make love under the stars."

"It's too cold up here. We'll have to hold on this one."

"I am definitely holding you to this. If you weren't a musician, what would you be doing?"

"Oh, that's easy!" I could feel him beaming as he sat up straight. "I'd be a chef! Hands down a chef."

"What is it that you do? You know. I don't even know. How freaking crazy is that?"

"I am a freelance journalist. It's kind of nice. I only have to work when someone needs me to, and I can do it from almost anywhere."

"What do you write about?" He asked cautiously.

"Music and Theater. Mostly reviews. I was a choir and theater nerd in high school and it followed me into college."

"Wait! WHAT? You are a freelance journalist and you write about music?" He sat upright, alarmed and damn near turned around.

"Yep. Is that okay? I mean, to be completely honest, it's how I found Pentatonix and ultimately you."

"But you are not writing about me. I mean, that's not why we met is it? Maybe I left that off of my list of things that scare me."

Reaching behind me, I tried to find his hand to hold onto. I think he sensed that was what I was doing and reached for mine as well. I squeezed it when we made contact. "We met by absolute chance. I wrote an article about Pentatonix years ago just after your first video went viral. Now if asked to do one on them or you, I would refuse as a conflict of interest. These are subjects that I can't be objective about anymore."

"Oh!" He sighed and tangled his fingers in mine before he let my fingers go. "We aren't supposed to be touching yet. I understand. Not sure how you are going to manage getting out of it without telling them about me directly but I trust that you'll find a way." The laughter had returned to his voice. "Who's turn?"

"Totally mine. What are the attributes and qualities you look for in your dream partner?"
"Can I cheat on this one and just say yours? Okay well. I got a list you know. Where should I start? Do I need to?"

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