a secret date

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Jack's POV:

I inch closer to Elsa as she reads something on her phone "Do I get any love?" she shakes her head and I pout "I'm nearly done with college Jack, I don't get a lot of time to read this amazing story." I tried to get a look at her screen and she moved it away "Quit it Jack!" I smirked

"One good kiss is equal to alone time, okay?" Elsa sighed and clicked off her phone.

"Fine." She leaned forward and I could feel it, even after a few weeks of being with this girl, I could still feel my stomach do a flip as I kissed her. "What's the story about?" I mumbled into the kiss. Her hands were in my hair, which was still dyed because I was afraid of her not liking me with brown hair and brown eyes. Elsa giggled while still kissing me "Flynn Writer." I pulled away to take a breath "You talk about that a lot. Do you have a favorite book of his? she thought for a moment, "I really like Emma." my heart sank a little at the though of that book and what had inspired it, she seemed to notice and she tried to lure me back out of my thoughts again "Do you have a favorite? Your dad publishes for him, right?" I nodded then said

"I like Emma too. How come that's your favorite?" Elsa shrugged

"I guess because it's really sad. . . but hopeful at the same time." I nodded, she had succeeded in bringing me back "How about you?" and. . . we're back where we began. "Because I can relate to it."

"Your sister?" I nodded, Elsa tugged on my arm and kissed my cheek lightly "I'm sorry-"

"It's just that you spend your whole life taking care of this little creature! Just praying that you do the right thing for them. . . . hoping that you're not overdoing anything and loving them more than life itself!" Elsa stayed quiet and I began to fear I'd said something wrong, then her tiny voice came "You're not alone on that one." She held my hand as she spoke "I'm always scared because I haven't really been the best older sister for Anna. . ."

"You? A bad older sister? You're kidding!"

"No! I'm not. When we were really little Anna and I liked sneaking into the garage in the morning so I would paint her pictures. . . this one time a can of white paint slipped and hit her head. She had amnesia and we could not get the white paint out of this one lock of hair. It was a nightmare!" I squeezed her hand

"Call me crazy but I don't see that as being your fault." Elsa shook her head again

"It's wasn't really but I've always blamed myself. The worst was when my parents died." she shifted so that she was looking at me properly "I was sixteen and Anna was fourteen, we went to live with my aunt Ariana and she sent me to a psychologist. I was really depressed and I didn't give Anna the attention she needed." I leaned forward and kissed her cheek lightly

"I know what can make you feel better." she gave me a questioning look and I asked "Would you, Elsa Dale, go on a date with me Friday night?" Elsa giggled, I love the way she covers her mouth when she does that "Where to?"

"It's a secret."

"Then no." I was quick to react as I said

"Dress warm. It'll be very romantic."

"Done." I smirked and kissed her, she was distracted and I took this opportunity to snatch her phone "Fleerety Frost huh?" then my heart dropped for the second time today, this belonged to Flee. "Jack-" Elsa began to complain, I quickly handed her the phone, willing myself not to cry

"Here. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have- do you forgive me?" Elsa's eyes held concern but she said

"I do." this lifted my spirits

"I can't wait to hear you say that at our wedding."

"Shut up."

Kristoff's POV:

It's not stalking if you're protecting the person. In this case I was, I don't know how the heck it happened but Anna, MY Anna is back together with that disgusting brat Hans. I was sitting and talking to a dude named Shang who I know from karate. Then I heard it SLAP! I turned to see a red face Annas and a furious Hans, I stood up at the same time as Shang did.

Shang's girlfriend Mulan rushed over to us "Wow there Shang, why don't you let Kristoff get this one?" Shang scoffed

"Do you plan on dressing up as a guy and taking my place in that fight?"

"No. Just let the poor guy go and save his own damsel!" from another table behind us I heard a girl hiss

"She can handle it! She just slapped the fool!" Mulan, Meg and Shang began to argue about something but I didn't listen. I started making my way to Anna, I was going to take this guy down. Nobody touches my princess! I was almost there when I felt a little hand on my chest "Hold on." I didn't want to, but I listened to Anna. She made her way over to Hans and punched him with amazing force. She really was my kind of woman.

Hans landed in the fountain in the middle of the food court. People definitely noticed, but I couldn't be bothered, Anna pulled me away and we sat on these couches in front of the bookstore where my brother's friend works. "Why do I keep trusting him?! Anna had tears in her eyes as she spoke. Cautiously I reached up a hand to wipe away the tears, surprisingly, she held my hand there and leaned into it.,, with my other hand I pulled a handkerchief from my pocket. It used to be a blanket I would sleep with but my mom had come up with cutting it into a little square so as to not carry such a big blanket around, and now. . . I just couldn't let go of it.

Anna wiped her eyes and mumbled "Thanks for that Kristoff. You don't need to get in fights for me though, I've learned to handle Hans." the mention of his name filled me up with anger

"You're not going near him again." Anna smiled, my hand still on her cheek and the handkerchief between it. "No, I'm not." Suddenly, the room felt hotter, now or never

"Listen. . . Anna, I know now's not the best time but. . ." she urged me on with her eyes and took my hand off her cheek so she could hold it in her own. "I was wondering- I mean, I wasn't wondering a lot, no that'd be creepy -I mean, my brother is hosting a small event, and I thought maybe we could go together. You can say no! I mean, I'd like to, I- may I? We me? I mean, may we?! Anna laughed and kissed my cheek

"We may." I sighed and I swear, I've never been this happy, this is the happiest a person could ever be.

It turns out I was wrong. . . I got steadily happier as we went and bought peanut butter m&m's to share. I would have to ask Eugene to have these at his event.

I'm back! Did you miss me? Of course not, you could not miss me half as much as I missed you guys, I really missed the ecstatic feeling I get when I read your comments and I missed you all in general. I promised that I'm almost done, there's like one or two chapters between now and the epilogue. I will try to be quick. I love you all!


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