Six-Tell Your Stupid Fricken Brother To Like Kara

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Six-‘Tell Your Stupid Fricken Brother To Like Kara’

“…and we almost kissed. We would have, if Sammy didn’t come.”

I sigh and lay back on Kara’s bed. We’re in her room-Kara, Hannah, and I. Kara is in the corner of the room, sitting upside down on a chair again. She’s barely paying any attention. Did I mention she’s reading a magazine? Upside down? Hannah, on the other hand, is hanging onto every word. She’s laying on her stomach, legs up in the air and crossed, hands holding her head up while her eyes beg for more.

“What happened after that, Em?” She asks, mouth cracked open. 

“Nothing, really. He left.”

Kara snorts in the background. “Real man he is.”

I ignore her.

Hannah giggles dreamily. “Ah, he sounds like a dreamboat-”

“Dreamboat?” Kara snorts again.

“-I would love to get his lips on-”

“That’s enough, Hannah.”

Hannah giggles at Kara again. “You hate talking about all this romance stuff. Why?”

“Because the guy I like I can never have.”

Kara, being the girl she is, flips her page in the magazine as if what she just said was normal conversation, not to be asked about. Hannah switches her gaze onto Kara, wanting more romantic stuff to drool over. “Spill right now Kara.”

“I don’t do that story.”

“Every story is suppose to be read.”

Kara groans, sitting upright. “The guy I like I can never have. What more is to be said? Didn’t I make it simple enough?”

And the questions spill. “Who is it? What does he look like? Why can’t you have him? Do you love him? Does he love you? Does he live in Canada? Does he like bacon? Will he-”

“Shut the freaking hell up, Hannah.”

I join into the conversation. “Kara, come on. We’re your best friends, we’re suppose to know this stuff.”

So she spills.

“I like Sammy. He, being the idiotic boy he is, does not notice, nor will he ever will. Because if any of you tell him, I’ll chase you around your house with a knife, cut you up into tiny pieces and ship you off to Switzerland.”

And when Kara says she’ll case you around your house with a knife, cut you up into tiny pieces and ship you off to Switzerland, she means it.

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