Chapter 1

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I am running fast . Incredibly fast. I see shadows all around me . I don't know where I am. Im so frustrated where am I ?! Then I see trees, big trees and they are coming in closer and closer. I hear voices all around me.

"Look at her she is so hideous."

"Don't sit with her she will give you a disease."

"What is it ? Slutty but ugly disease ?"

"She's so fat"

"Ugh she can just die for all I care"

I couldn't take it anymore. I was twitching. My hands were scrunching up together. I can hear my knuckles cracking. My shoulders kept going up and down. I wanted to block the sounds out! I am getting so frustrated !!! Then I hear something annoying !

" beep!beep!beep! Get up ! Get up! Get up! It's a sunny and beautiful -"

I wake up screaming! I throw my alarm across the room.

My mom came running in!

"Oh my god honey are you okay? What wrong ?are you hurt?"

"No mom I am okay just a horrible dream." Then I smiled .

She smiled back and told me " well don't worry your safe here."

I was happy to hear that. After the whole robbery situation. I am happy she is getting over it.


I was home alone taking care of my brother. My mom and dad were on a date night . I didn't expect them home till 12 midnight. So I took my brother to bed and I layed down. It was about 2:30 am when I woke up and I heard a crash at the window in my parents room. I walked in and found two gunmen. I instantly ran to my room. My little brother was in there . I had no time . There is no lock on my door. I waked my brother and he was mad but he heard a mans voice saying " come out come out where ever you are little bitch"

I told my brother to go under the bunk bed. It was against the wall so the man couldn't get him from the other side. I put a large rectangler shoe box in front of my brother. I told my brother

" stay here baby it's okay, don't come out please don't . Not until I come back . I won't leave you I promise . Stay here ok. "

I heard the gunman in my living room. My heart was literaryly pounding outside of my chest. I walk into my parents room. I am looking for my phone . Then I see blue pieces of it on the floor they broke it.

I walk into my dad's bathroom he has a sword in there. I know it's weird but he just does. It was so heavy I could barley pick it up.

I was so scared i started to lose feeling in my legs it was horrible. I felt worthless. I thought to myself .

"Are you kidding me you are just going to give up that fast that easily your a worthless wimp. "

I started toc ry. I couldn't hold it in. I was loud . Very loud . I walked into the hallway in my house and I see the gunman we are face to face . And he holds up the gun to my head. And

"boom!" the gun went off

note:) so this is my first story ever I love to write but I couldn't decide . So I made it a thriller fanfic u guess . I really hope you guys like it :) give me ideas comment :) I will update if you guys really like it :)

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