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I froze, as I felt a hand sweaty, grimy hand clamp over my mouth.

I was suddenly jolted back to my senses when I realised what was happening.

I'm going to die! I thought, This is it, I'm never going to see my nana again, and I'm going to die single!

I started squirming, and kicking as I felt more hands grab me from behind, grabbing my arms, holding my legs, trying to keep me still. Fear overwhelmed me as I felt a sharp blow across my face. I was momentarily stunned, as I felt tears pricking my eyes, my cheek throbbing from the force of the slap.

Someone laughed from behind me, as I suddenly felt the man with his hand on my mouth grab of fistful of my hair and drag me along the alleyway, further and further away from safety. 

"You'd better stop struggling, pretty girl, or something really bad might happen to you" growled the thug who was dragging me along. But I wasn't listening to him, all I could feel was the rising panic building up inside me, mounting up, and rising up my throat. I screamed, trying desperately to get someone, anyone's attention. I bit the man's hand, a vile taste of blood and dirt consumed my mouth, making bile rise in my throat. He howled, and dropped my arm in shock.I blindly thrashed my arms, screaming, as my vision blurred with tears, trying to get away from there. I knew it was a useless attempt, but I had to. I had to try.

I cried out in pain, as I felt something hard and sharp collide with my leg. I fell to the ground, a searing pain creeping up my leg, consuming my body. I sobbed as I felt a hand roughly grab my shoulder and drag me backwards, away, away from all hope of rescue.

"I told you to be quiet, you foolish girl! I'm afraid naughty girls get punished" spat a voice in my ear, the musty breath blowed right in my face, the smell brought fresh tears to my eyes. I whimpered as he roughly threw me to the ground, my back colliding with a damp brick wall, covered in grime.

"We haven't had fun in a long while" purred another voice, "Mmm, especially not with someone so young and beautiful". I snapped my head up to see a middle aged man with a scar running down the left side of his stubbly cheek lick his lips.

I whimpered, feeling myself slipping away as I felt the blood flowing from my leg.

"Aww look at the filthy prostitute, she's practically begging for it!" Taunted another. I felt rage boil inside me, as I thought of Amanda, and I found the strength to push myself up and point a shaking finger at the brute who dared insult me that way.

"I may be weaker than you now, but you have no right to insult me like that! You are all just COWARDS, preying on a young girl, one to five! So don't you dare talk to me like that! You are all cowardly pricks who probably still live with their mothers, and have nothing better to do, than hunt for young women! Well I tell you, I hope you die, all of you!" I then stepped forward and slapped the man hard around the face, adrenaline controlling my actions. The man gasped and grabbed his cheek, his nostrils flaring.

I felt the adrenaline leave rush die as the man slowly looked at me, anger flashing behind his eyes, but not just anger on its own, no, something much more dangerous; malice. I felt the dread resurfacing, watching my fate be handed into the hands of a stranger. A smirk dominated the features of the man's face, as he took a threatening step forwards, backing me into the wall.

"Well, little girl" he breathed "as you so rightly put it, you are outnumbered five to one, and you have made us very angry" he mocked, putting on a fake pout "so I think we are going to have to punish you roughly, for being such a cheeky vixen". He grabbed my face, running his dirty finger along my jaw. "Tasty" he whispered, his foul breath hitting my face, as he licked my bottom lip.

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