12 1 1

So, now you know how I got here. Wherever here is...

I can feel an intense pounding in my head, as if my brain is constantly being bashed against my skull. If I am dead, then I am going to murder someone, because I refuse to die single. It's just not fair! But, if I am dead, then why do I have sheets covering me, and why am I feeling pain? 

I slowly open my eyes, and take in my surroundings. Where am I? I can see a very, very white ceiling, and as my eyes focus, I realise that even though this pristine white ceiling is lovely, it's not mine.

My eyes widen in panic, and I bolt upright. I let out a cry of pain, as two hundred little needles prick  the inside of my head, making it burn. Everything in the room starts to spin, and I faintly register a dark figure walking in to the room, but before my mind leads me to panic, I feel the darkness overwhelm me for the second time today, as the black spots on the edge of my vision merge in to a haze of nothingness.

Great, this seems to be becoming a habit now


I wake up for the second time to a cup being brought to my lips. Out of instinct, I slap the cup away from my lips, and start to struggle, trying to untangle myself from a mass of sheets, which seem to have inconveniently placed themselves on top of me! However, all I manage to do is tangle myself up further in the duvet, so that I am in a cocoon prison of softness.

"Oi! Let me leave, you villainous fiends! Agh, no! I didn't mean tangle me further!"

A deep chuckle sounds from next to me, and I whip my head round to come face first with some strikingly familiar blue eyes, which seem to draw me in, wanting to put me under their spell.

Good thing I'm not easily manipulated, then.

"You!" I exclaim, "You're the one from the alley, what are you going to do with me? I warn you, I used to do taekwondo!!"

The cheeky devil, instead of cowering in fear, starts laughing, a beautiful sound, which seems to fill the room, and for a minute, I am transfixed staring at his face, which I must admit, is one of the most handsomely sexy things I have ever seen.

What? With illegal specimens on the earth like that, what's a girl to do?

He looks at me, an amused expression on his face. He tilts his head to side, watching me untangle myself from the sheets. Finally, I'm free!

I lift my head, and give the mystery man a triumphant smile, and mocking tilt of the head.

"Well, thank you for your hospitality, but I'd best be going. Now, I hope to never see you again" liar, liar  "and by the way, funds for my personal charity are gladly accepted as a compensation for this kidnapping." I get off the bed, and turn to walk towards the door, but when I put weight on my leg, I cry out in pain and fall, only to be caught by two strong arms around my waist.

His breath fans my neck as he whispers in my ear "You aren't going anywhere preciosa." My breath hitches in my throat, and my heart starts beating too fast at the feel of his arms around me, and the term of endearment he used.

"H-h-how-" I cough, and try to dislodge the lump that seems to have lodged itself in my throat, feeling his smirk against my neck. I can't let him affect me like this. Even though he smells so nice, and his arms feel so lovely and strong against my middle...

What? His arms are still around me! I quickly wriggle out of his grasp, and let out an audible sigh of relief that he actually let me.

I start again. "How did you know my other language?" He leans on the windowsill next to the bed, tensing his perfectly sized muscles, and looks me over.

"Sweetheart, you didn't think I would take you in and not  do my research, now did you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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