chapter 1

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                                 Chapter 1

                              6 year's later

Elizabeth P.O.V

"Elizabeth get up! Your going to be late for your lessons with Wolfen!" Jack said, taking the blankets off of me.

"Five more minutes please." I said, in a tiring voice taking the blankets back.

Jack shot ice on my back to wake me up.

"OOOWWW!!!!!! OK OK I'M AWAKE GEEZZ!" I said, rubbing my cold back.

"Good, now get dressed your going to be late." Jack laughs quietly as he leaves.

After I got dressed, I went down stairs to go eat breakfast with Jack. When I went down I saw a note on the table, it said:

"Be back soon, something up with the guardians.

From, Jack

P.S. Don't be late.

Beside the note, I saw a plate of burnt eggs and beacon that was maked by jack. Jack wasn't a very good cook, so i just ate the beacon and thrown the burnt egg at the back for the dogs or something, and left my house to go see Wolfen. Wolfen was my dad brother so he teaches me everything about skills, hunting, fighting, controlling my transformation, and the history of the wolves. I use to go to a ordinary school when i was younger but i hated it. Everyone would call me names, and thought i was a freak, stupid, and a weirdo, because I would collect dead animals skulls and didn't understand things. One day at recess, there was a gang of girls that was calling me names and throwing rocks at me. I lost my temper and bit one of the girls on the arm. I bit so hard that i made the girl scream real loud, and making her bleed. Her friends were hitting and yelling at me to let go. When the teacher saw what was happening, i let go of her arm and ran home so no one would see me. Luckly no one was home, so i ran to my room and cried. When Jack found me in my room crying and covered in blood around my mouth and some on my shirt, he was shocked and went to find my dad at the woods. When my dad came home and found me in my room he ask what happened while he was washing away the blood. I told him everything about how the girls were thrown rocks at me and how i bit one of them and made her bleed. He was shocked and told me and my mom that we had to move somewhere else. So now me and jack live in house that is in the forest but near the town oh most. I arrived at my uncle den, it was closer to my home, my uncle was in his wolf transformation.

"Your late." He said seating up.

"I know I know" i said "so what are we going to be doing today?"

"We're going hunting."

"AGAIN! But we being hunting for about two week. Can we do something else." I said, as i tranform to my wolf transformation. "And besides my side hurts when that elk kicked me."

"We can go fight a bear if you want." He said

"Nevermind, lets go hunt." I said irritated.

( A/N sorry for not updated i being busy alot so yea. The photo i put up is Wolfen and I'll show you guys a photo of Elizabeth in her wolf transformation in the next chapter. Commite me for some idea for the story and again I'm sorry for not updating and for the bad grammer too.)

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