chapter 2

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Jack Frost P.O.V

"There he is jack frost." said North with his loud voice. Everyone was here, except for bunny and sandy. weird.

"Hey North, where is everyone else?

"Well since your late today, everyone heard the news so they left early to do their jobs."

"Then why is tooth here."

"It's nice to see you too Jack." Said tooth.

Tooth and I haven't talk to each other since the argument about Elizabeth.

"She has something to show you which she had invented." Said North "But first let me show you this."

We both walk toward the machine, that showed us the message from Manny(or Man in the moon).

"Let me guess we'll having new guardian." I said.

"Yes, but there's going to be two" said North


"Yup, and their both girls." Said tooth, excitedly

"Well that just great, we'll having two annoying girls." I said annoyed. "Just like you tooth."


I was about to shoot her with my ice powers until North blocked us.

"Would you two stop it already. You guys have be fighting ever since Elizabeth parents died."
Yelled North.

We both went silent after what North said. I still remember what Elizabeth mother told me before she died, "Please take care of my little girl please"

"promise." I said.

And that was her last word to me.

"Jack I'm sorry." Said tooth

"Yea, whatever lets get this over with."

"Ok manny show him now." Said North

Manny shined his light toward the machine and started it. And maked a picture of Pitch.

"WAIT PITCH IS BACK!" I said surprised. I was still mad what he did to Elizabeth parents.

North noded

"Ok Manny you can show him now."

I can't believe what i saw, i thought i was going to faint. "Elizabeth and Elsa!"

(A/N hi guys horserider here sorry again but since I'm busy with school and don't have a phone, i don't have time update the story so yea. But school is almost over so I'll have more time updating. Ok, ok so be patient guys and peace out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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