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We were going 100 miles past the speed limit, I didnt care about getting any tickets, I could easily pay it off with the amount of money in my bank account. All I wanted was for the baby, my dogs and I to be safe.

He wasnt going to give up, he wanted the kid, or me, maybe even both.

But who is he? I thought to myself.

The infant started to cry, I didnt know what to do, so I checked his diaper with one hand, but it wasnt full.

It had to mean he was hungry, so I fed him some fries I bought at the diner. He eventually at my whole meal, but I didnt care. My hunger doesnt matter at the moment, the childs safety does.

I don't know much about the town, but I know there wasnt many streets to turn into. We've been at this chase for fifteen minutes and I'm running out of streets to turn go through.

The town is getting smaller and smaller, so I decide to turn into the last street on my left, hoping it gave me an exit.

Sadly, it was a dead end. I stoped the car before it could crash into the swarm of tall, maple trees in front of me. The man parked directly behind me, obviously so I couldn't escape.

He began to creepily walk to my door, making the moment more intense. He pulled his hoodie off and revealed his gorgeous face.

He had a jet black hair, that reminded me if darkness, and hazel eyes with a touch of blue. His muscular structure was absolutely stunning, and I couldnt keep my eyes off of him.

I was so worried about his facial feature that I didnt notice he had opened my door and was standing a foot away from me.

"You can stop eye raping me now gattina" He spoke with a deep, husky Italian voice, sending shivers down my spine.

"I wasnt eye raping you honey, sorry. Now if you would move your car, Id be happy to leave." I smiled, hoping he would just let me leave with a pat on the back.

"I'm sorry Gattina, but it doesn't work like that. You have whats mine, and I want it."

"Sorry buddy, no can do. You were going to shoot him, and I cant let you do that. The moment I grabbed him I promised myself to keep him safe, even if it means putting myself in danger." I responded confidently. Nobody was going to take this child without my consent.

"Oh but I'm taking you too. You guys wont be separated." He stated with a chesire smirk growing on his face.

"Why would you take me?"

"You witnessed me murder someone. Did you not?"

"Yes." I gulped. Fear began to overwhelm me. It was coming up to me, like vomit coming out your throat.

"So that makes you a witness. I cant have that now can I?" He pouted his lips, making puppy dog eyes.

I began to get livid and fearful so without thinking, I pulled my gun out, aiming it at the man.

"Gattina put the gun down." He ordered while placing a hand on his hip.

Baby Jesus please bring my dogs, this baby, and myself into safety. Ive been a good girl, dont kill me now. Well, don't let this man kill me.

"Gattina, I'm not gonna kill you. I just wont have you roaming the streets. Your safe, for now. So stop praying to baby Jesus." He finished with the cutest chuckle ive ever heard come out of a man.

"I'm not going with you." I stated, tightening my grip on my gun handle.

"Yes you are, listen we do this the easy way, or the hard way. You choose." And with that I put my gun in my waistband, where my dad told me to have it.

I swiftly kicked him on the side of his head, making him fall to the floor. I regained my balance since the kick made me stumble a but, but it didnt matter because he had pulled my leg, making me fall on the floor with him.

He got on top of me, his face a couple inches away, he then punched me in my stomach, making me cough.

I kneed him in the male area, causing him to fall to the side of me in pain. I then began to straddle him without notice and I started to continuously punch him in the face.

Before I knew it, multiple all black Range Rovers began to pull up next to the black Lamborghini.

Multiple men piled out of the car, then ran up to the man I was fighting. Before I knew it, I had multiple guns pointed at me while the man I just fought was getting up.

"Your good. Too good. Gino bring her car to the house, she'll ride with me." He ordered, all at once, men started going everywhere.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To my place Gattina Calm Down." He soothed me while stroking my hair. There was too many people around on his side for me to try anything. The last option I had was to give up, so I did.

"I'll go, but the child and my dogs ride with us. They also need to be safe at all times." I stopped, compromising with a stern voice.

"Deal." The hooded man said.

He ordered men to bring the living beings into the car he was driving in along with me. He told me it was gonna be a long drive before we get there, so I have the option to sleep. Instead, I chose to asks questions.

"What's your name? And how old are you?"

"My name is Mariano Silva, and I'm twenty-two years old. How about you Gattina?" He answered.

"Kambella Pansino. I'm seventeen, but next week I turn eighteen on the twentieth." I blankly replied. I then felt the car come to a fast hault, making me hold the child so he wouldnt hurt himself.

"What the hellwas that for Mario!?!" I yelled furiously.

"Your not Kambella Pansino. You can't be." He stated in shock. He looked like he just saw a ghost.

"Actually I am. My mother is Maria Rosario Pansino. My dad is Salvator Pansino. They made me, which makes me a Pansino." I explained in a duh tone.

Without another word said, he began to drive again. The car ride was silent the rest of the way there.

Why the heck is he so deep in thought? I never knew my name could make a person freak out.

About two hours later, we pulled up infront of a mansion bigger than my fathers. It was so beautiful, and I admired it for about five minutes before I realized Mariano wanted me to start going inside.

He had all the dogs leashes in one hand while I carried the child on my hip, and my arms around his waist.

We stepped into the house and only two words came out of my mouth.

"Holy Shit."

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