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A beam of light shined me in the face and I couldnt help but stir in my sleep. This bed is way too comfortable.

"Wake up sleeping beauty" an unfamiliar voice spoke making me shoot up from the bed.

"Who shall you be sir?" I questioned, carefully examining this male. His hair was blonde like goldilocks, and his eyes were blue. They sorta reminded me of the ocean a little. Unlike the others, this kid seems to be around my age.

"I'm Nate boss." He introduced with a bow.

"Boss?" I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"Yes Boss. Capo ordered us to treat his Gattina with respect and as if it were him."

"Well don't call me boss. Its freaking weird. Call me Kambella, or Kam for short."

"Oh thank god, I really thought I was going to have to do that all day. I barely call Capo, Capo. I just call him Mariano."

"I call him Mario. You should do it too."

" I think he wouldn't like me to do that."

"Well as your boss, I order you to" I chuckled like a child being tickled by its mother.

"Yes ma'am. But anyways, lets get you going for your girl day that I have to be with you all day for." He groaned in agony.

"Girls trip?"

"Well, Mario, has cime to his decision, but before he tells you, I have to bring you shopping."

"But everything I need is inside my car. Everything my doggies need are in there too." I pouted.

"But dont all girls want to go shopping?"

"Thats sexist. Not all girls like to go shopping you dummy!"

"Well, I guess I'm not taking you shopping, but dont leave the house...or else." Nate ordered with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Yes Capo." I soluted. All nate did was chuckle before making his way to the door.


"Yes Boss?"

"Don't start with that, but where's Mario?"

"His room asleep." Was all he said before finally leaving.

Asleep!? At this time?

I made my way upstairs to Mario's room with the help of a beautiful maid. Her name was Sarah, and for a maid her beauty was extraordinary.

"Oh Lover Boy..." I whispered quietly, entering Mario's room and shutting the door silently behind me.

I carefully tip-toed over to him, not making a sound. Before I could even do anything, Mario shoots up from his bed, grabs me by the waist, and throws me on his bed.

With his arm pinned against my throat I try to breathe but it gets harder. When he finally opens his eyes fully, his chiseled jaw drops in shock.

"Jesus Gattina! Are you nuts?! I couldve killed you!"

"Well, I mean, who does that when they feel a presence near them? I get that you were sleeping but what the freaking cow were you thinking?" I ask, trying to fix my breathing pattern.

"Cow? What? Actually nevermind. What do you want that is so important that you had to disturb my peaceful slumber?" He questioned, rubbing sleep from his eyes to fully awaken.

"Peaceful? You sounding like a dying llama. When you sleep you sound anything but peaceful." I began, I was going to keep on until I looked at Mario who was glaring at me.

If looks could kill, right now I'd be six feet under.

"Anyways... I wanted my car along with my belongings please." I finish giving him my cheesiest smile.

"You can have your stuff, But not the car."

"What!?" I whined. Why wouldnt he give me my car.

"How do I know you will not escape?" He questioned, turning to face me while raising an eyebrow.

"I mean, so far you seem nice. As long as you dont try to murder me again, then I'll be fine. Its not like I have a place to go anyways." I mumbled the last part.

"I most likely wont murder you Gattina. Your too precious, but how come you have no place to go? I know youve explained before but that time I wasnt listening. Now I am."

Snickerdoodles he heard me!

"Well, I ran away from my terrible family. I don't want to go back, but I dont have any other place to go." I quietly answered.

I didn't want to let anyone know the full reason I left my home, but for some strange reason, I felt like I could trust Mario.

The way he looked at me, it made me feel safe. Also, the way he ordered everyone to treat me with respect and call him me boss as if I was him.

Why does my kidnapper make me feel so special? Why doesnt he kill me already?

"Whats so wrong about your home beautiful? If you really are Kambella Leihla Pansino, then life should be a breeze considering who your father is."

"See, thats what everyone thinks, and what they believe. I know you know my father for owning all those companies, but he's story is way darker than that, So is mine." I sadly whisper, a tear seeking escape from my eyes.

"Life was great up until I was thirteen. It was the year my life went to cow shit. My mother was raped and murdered by a gang, while I was asleep upstairs. That's when I found out about my fathers gang, The Viscious Vipers. From then on I was taught to kill, and never trust a soul, because even the closest person to you, could tear you apart. I learned what I took to be in a gang, but I didnt want that. I never wanted to hurt anyone unless I absolutely had to. Yeah, I could murder someone with my bare hands if I wanted, but I don't. So I ran away before I turned eighteen, because when I turn eighteen, I get the gang passed to me. I just want to be normal..."

I look up to Mario with sadness in my eyes, and in his, I see alot. I see care, I see compassion, I see sorrow, I see sadness, I see lust, I see...I see love?

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