Jemma & Khaira Chapter Three: The date

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I woke up in the morning surrounded by my blankets and pillows. My alarm wouldn't shut up, it just kept going.

"SHUT UP! I'M GETTING UP! OH MY GOD!" I got up out of my nest and opend the blinds.

"Rebbeca Black, how do you do it." I mutterd to myself. An average cold day, I walked up to my walk in wardrobe and picked out a middriff, boots, skirt, tights and to top it off with rabbit fur earmuffs and an oceon blue parka. I was wearing my famous rollar boots, boots that had wheels on the bottom, oh yeah, costom made. I grabbad my phone and put my purse in my school bag. All set Khaira, my sub-concious is vveerryy annoying! I grabbed my nose and belly piercing then was out the door.


I walked up to the bus stop and waited......... finally- after what seemed like Two hours- the bus arrived. I took my normal seat up the back, a boy was in my seat.

"Move!" I said standing infront of the boy.

"I don't want to."

"I wasn't askin, I was tellin. Now move." The boy shakily got his stuff and walked to the front. I glared at his friends sitting on the other 5 chairs, they did the same thing the boy did. I sat down and sighed my long hair in cowgirl plaits.

"Yo Khaira! Yo what's up dude." Yoshi walked up and took the end seat. We-all my friends- have a sitting plan. Yoshi, Deusides, me, Phoebe, Brooklyn, Webber and Tarynn sat infront of us.

"Good nigga how you been?" We laughed untill the bus stopped and in walked Deusides. Yoshi is my best friend and He knows my feelings for Deusides, heck, everyone knows That I have liked him since the second grade, He isn't the hottost boy that would be Webber, but He is definitly top 5... maybe number 4?

"Hey! look. its my bestie, my nigga, how you been dude?!"

"I have been great thanks for asking." Yoshi beamed, wearing his million dallar smirk on his face.

"Oh, Hey Yoshi I didn't notice you." Deusides said turning to face him. His smile dropped but He kept smirking.

"To occupied with your intense gaze on Khaira I see. Well anyway you know she has been in love with you since the second grade." Yoshi said staring at me.

"What?!" Me and Deusides said in unison. I kicked Yoshi, hard in the stomach. He yelped in pain as I kicked him again.

"Ow! what the fuck Khaira its true." I swear my face went blood red. I turned and faced Deusides who was now laughing his heart out, it hurts me it physically hurts me. He took his seat and started conversing with Yoshi. Way to go looser, my annoying sub-concious just has to say everything doesn't it.

"You look beautiful Khaira." I turned so fast I almost hit Deus in the face.

"The nose ring Khaira it looks pretty on you."

"Thankyou." You sound like a 2 year old, put your game face on. right, right.

"Khaira would you like to um..." He was blushing and looked... nervous?

"To uhhh go out some time maybe, I dunno?" I was stunned. Out of all the things that could've come out of his mouth I was not expecting that at all.

"I...I...I..." I didn't even know how to breath anymore. "Yes."

"Great come home with me this avo."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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