A Hundred Roses (Yongseok x Reader)

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For the lovely KimJinhye_08 :) I'm so sorry this took more than a month to write ahhh thank you for being so patient :D I wrote this a while ago but thought it would be fitting as a Christmas present, hehe. Merry Christmas everyone :P

Plot: high school themed ;) !cringe and cheesy alert because I SUCK at writing hs aus and always manage to ruin them!

Work Text:

The paper rose is a work of art. It has been folded to perfection, the pale pink petals soft to touch.

I hold it in my palm gingerly, hesitating before placing it down gently on the canteen table in front of my friends' narrowed eyes.

"It was on my table," is all I get out before Wonho screams-literally screams-and bounces out of his seat exuberantly, grabbing my shoulders to shake my arms out of their sockets.

Immediately I flinch away, trying to tear out of his grip. "What is wrong with you?"

The next second, he is collapsing back into his seat, pulling me along to sit beside him. "You just got confessed to," he says almost tearfully. "I feel like a proud mother!"

Seyoung, on the other hand, is currently inspecting the paper rose with critical eyes. He seems impressed that it has been folded perfectly. Sangmin, who is sitting to his right, is trying to copy him, but all he's doing is furrowing his eyebrows in an effort to look concentrated. "What are we looking at?" he whispers not so quietly, and Takuya rolls his eyes before slamming his head back on the table to go back to sleep.

This brings me some comic relief before my attention is drawn back to Wonho's almost predatory gaze. "Who was it?" he presses, eyes glinting scarily.

"I don't know, it was just there when I got to school," I say, pointedly avoiding looking into his eyes.

Wonho deflates like a balloon losing air. Not a second later, he perks up again.

This boy, really.

"Who sits beside you?" he questions, eyes regaining that dangerous glint.

"The new transfer student," I shrug, "but what does he have to do with this?"

Wonho's eyes bug out at my words. "A new student?" he cries, "I think we've found Rose Man!"

Now it is my turn to roll my eyes. "What kind of a name is Rose Man?" I scoff. Against my will, the image of the new transfer student from China flits into my mind. Well, he wasn't that bad looking...not at all.

"He's hot, isn't he?" Wonho says shamelessly, smirking like no other.

"Oh shut up," I snipe back immediately, hoping my face is not turning red.

Suddenly, the sound of a chair scraping. "I'm going back to class," Yongseok says, "have fun figuring out who Rose Man is!" He snickers loudly before walking away.

"What's up with him?" I wonder aloud. Yongseok isn't usually that silent. He didn't say anything much as all today.

"Beats me," Wonho says dismissively, "that kid has always been weird. So, this transfer guy. What's his name?"

"He transferred at the start of this week," I explain, "he told us to call him Casper. Something about not wanting to hear us pronouncing his name wrong all the time."

"Ooooh, cool and mysterious stage name...I like it," Wonho says, still smirking. He takes a moment to wrinkle his nose at Takuya's direction accusingly. "Why don't you have a cool fake name?"

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