Awaken, Black Rabbit!

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I finally understand why some call it UA and others call it Yuuei!

Also, apologies if my grammar is bad, English is my worst subject after all.

Another note. I realized that as I was about to start writing Katsuki's dialogue, that I would have to include cuss words. However my personal morals prevent me from writing or saying that language. So for the most part it will be censored.


After another miserable day at school, Izuku Midoriya walks home, taking an quiet path through the park. Suddenly a large, green pile of sludge attacks her, "What a fine specimen, you'll be a perfect puppet," it says. Izuku struggles to remain conscious, trying to fight the glob without any success. Until suddenly...


... she was free from the clutches of the sludge villain, gasping for breath. Izuku turns to thank the kind man for rescuing her when she freezes.

"All Might!" She shouts with astonishment and glee while he gathers the sludge containing the eyes into a bottle.

"I have so many questions for you! Would you be able to si—" she was cut of mid-sentence.

"All ready done young lady!" She looks down at her Hero Notebook, noticing that All Might has already signed the book. "I am a busy man! And while I would like to answer your questions, villainy stops for no one!" With that, All Might jumps into the sky, delivering justice!

"Wait! I have a very important question!"

However, as All Might is flying, can't help to feel off. He looks to his legs only to notice Izuku clutching his legs. "Hey! Let go!"

"I'm sorry! But I have one important question!" She screams, grasping even harder at his legs.

All Might sighs, jumping down to the nearest building. "Alright, what is this question that you are so insistent on asking. Please make it quick."

Izuku readjusts herself and asks hopefully yet timidly, "Do you think I can be a hero even if I don't have a quirk?" Her dreams rely all on this one question.

However those dreams were stomped on by a single word. "No" All Might answers. "Being a hero is a dangerous occupation. Even with people who have amazing quirks, it could be fatal. So I don't believe a quirkless person can be a hero. However worry not! For there are other ways you can save people! Like being a firefighter, or an officer, or even a paramedic!"

The only reply that Izuku could muster up was, "Oh". Too devastated to say or do anything else as her eyes started to water. Which turned into a tearful breakdown. She curled onto herself as All Might flew away, guilty that he destroyed a young girls dream so harshly. Perhaps he needs to work on letting people down more gently.


When Izuku was finally able to recollect herself, she sorrowfully trudged home, eyes more dull than when she learnt that her probability of developing a quirk was slim to none. As she walked, she noticed the fights going around, but decided it was pointless to do anything anymore.

That was until she heard familiar explosions, "Kacchan!" She thought while running to the source. When she arrived, Katsuki was already engulfed by the sludge monster. Without a moment of hesitation, she runs into the monster, swinging her backpack around, aiming for the eyes. In the middle of one of her swings, the straps of her backpack rip, sending it flying away. In its place however, a larger scythe manifested. Izuku doesn't notice he change in heft of her weapon of choice and continues on with her swing. The sludge villain tries to dodge the scythe but is unable to. He is cut by the scythe, where he starts to disintegrate into a pile of goop.

Izuku stood still, stunned at what she had just accomplished, "A quirk?" She whispered to herself as she shakily studied the magnificent scythe. She also started to feel the weight of the scythe that was previously blocked by adrenaline start to kick in.

"DEKU!" That scream shook her from her thoughts. She clutched the scythe in her hands as Katsuki approached her. He uncomfortable close to her and shouted, "YOU F****** IDIOT! DON'T GO PLACING YOUR QUIRKLESS A** IN THE MIDDLE DANGER! I COULD HAVE HANDLED IT MY F****** SELF!" He gives her a knock to the noggin...

...then pulls her into a tight hug. "Don't f****** do that again you dumba**". When they separate, Izuku finally notices the chains that surrounded her world. So many of them, each connected to the people. She remains quiet about this fact, choosing that it would be best kept a secret for now. The scythe in her hands disappeared in an a whirlwind of light.

The Pro-heroes whom just arrive on scene approach the pair, where Izuku was lectured by them, examined then sent home. They wanted Katsuki to go the hospital to be examined more thoroughly.

As Izuku walks home, she was stuck in the thought, thinking about the chains that she saw, and her own quirk. Suddenly, All Might appeared in a gust of wind.

"I saw what you did today young lady, and I would like to admit that I was wrong. You can become a hero."


Edit: If you read the description of the quirk Black Rabbit before 2018, I changed a property of how the quirk chains worked to better suit the story line. That is, quirkless people are not bound and quirked people are bound by chains.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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