At Least I tried

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Zoe's POV

It's been 6 years since the day that me and Sapphire were torn apart and let me tell you it's been hard, I've been ridiculed, harassed and everything in between but I've picked myself up and I've rebuilt my life forgetting Sapphire to the best of my ability....not that it's worked. I still think of her and dream about her, remembering the way her lips felt on mine. I should have gone and seen her on her 18th birthday but I didn't, instead I sat at home eating ice cream and grading papers because I couldn't bring myself to show up on her front porch. I wanted her back so badly but I figured I'd be ruining her life by showing back up after 3 years of waiting.

Speaking of sitting around that's exactly what I'm doing at the moment. After a long day of working as a freshman SPED teacher, I come home and prop my feet up after getting into my footie pajamas and I turn on the TV for the first time in years. God commercials suck I think to myself as I flip through channels mindlessly not looking for anything in particular. Finally, I just flip to some news channel, and what I see and hear makes my jaw hit the floor and my body surge forward.

"Hi I'm Chloe and I'm here with the rising UFC wrestling star Sapphire or should I call you Crimson Alpha since that's your wrestling name?"

"You can just call me Sapphire."

My eyes search Sapphire's face as I try to convince myself that it's not my little Texas girl up there on the TV, that it's just someone who looks a lot like her. My baby girl wanted to be author, she wanted to go to the University of Austin and get a literature degree. Finally after a bunch of inner monologuing  I continue to listen to Chloe ask Sapphire questions like "what is your pre-fight ritual?"  or "do you have a certain diet?" but it isn't until the next question that I get real interested.

" we all know you started out with underground wrestling matches at the mere age of 16 but what made you get into wrestling in the first place?"

"In my last year of Middle school and all of High school I was bullied, i got beat up all the time and I was tired of it so I got a part time job and I saved up the money to pay for boxing lessons and I took up for myself at school, but I found out that throwing right hooks and the feeling of dancing around a ring gave me more pleasure and a rush than my original passion writing ever had so I let go of my dream of going to the University of Austin to get a literature degree and I used my saved up college fund to buy me a cheap studio apartment and I started training at the gym every week."

My mouth drops open as I scramble for my phone and when I find it I look up "Sapphire Campbell" on Google and I see all her information like her age, where she's from and her height. Uugh!!! That's not what i want, I already know all that stuff!! There's gotta be something more. I continue scrolling through useless links when I come across what looks like a website where you buy tickets so I click on it and sure enough it is, I scroll through the match names until I find one that says "The Crimson Alpha vs twin city" and I look at the ticket and I'm flabbergasted at the pricetag of $200 on the tickets. Well fuck me sideways and call me satan that's a lot of money for a ticket. As I continue look through seat options I start to notice the better seats are more expensive, the ticket price for a seat in the 3rd row is $400 but it would give me the best view of the stage and the fighters so I take a hesitant breath and I buy a ticket to the nearest venue which just happens to be around an hour drive away. I'm coming for you in a week Sianna arena I mutter as I get up and turn off the TV deciding to head to bed.

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