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Direct Message
8:49 pm

What : jess.ie

xgabix : jess, I need you to calm down so we can talk

about what I have no interest in talking to low live skanks : jess.ie

xgabix : good thing I'm not one

Hah : jess.ie

xgabix : listen
xgabix : we've been best friends since forever.
xgabix : why are you acting up?
xgabix : it breaks my heart to see you like this. Please tell me what's up

Why should I : jess.ie

xgabix : because I love you and your my best friend

hmm : jess.ie

xgabix : cmon jessie

... : Jess.ie
I feel really really left out : jess.ie
you and Danielle have been doing everything together : jess.ie
As soon as you two met, I've been left in the dust : jess.ie

xgabix : Jessie...

you might not notice it but she hates my guts. It's like a never ending competition between us : jess.ie
And when you got those tickets and saw your idols... : jess.ie
It was like a punch to the stomach : jess.ie
And I tried to pretend like I was happy for you guys but I wasn't. I really really wanted to be there : jess.ie
She doesn't even fucking listen to Ed Sheehan for gods sake : jess.ie
She knows I love him with my entire heart : jess.ie

xgabix : this is a huge mess
xgabix : I think you two should talk

Hell no : jess.ie
She's basically subtweeting me : jess.ie
There's no way : jess.ie

xgabix : pleaseeee? For the squaddd?

... : jess.ie
I'll see what I can do : jess.ie

xgabix : thankyou
xgabix : I'm always here for you babe

Thanks for giving me a chance gabi : jess.ie

xgabix : don't thank me, thank zayn 😉

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