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10:38 am

xgabix : my cheeks hurt

me too : dani.k
is it bad that my hearts still racing? : dani.k

lets hope so : jess.ie

xgabix : woahh

What crawled up your ass and died : dani.k

how original : jess.ie

xgabix : what's wrong miss grumpy pants

your face : jess.ie

Oh how mature! : dani.k
Can you hear me clapping from here, jess? : dani.k

xgabix : listen jessica
xgabix : I realllyyy don't like your sarcastic answers. If you could tell us what's bothering you instead of making snarky remarks that'll be great.

Oh lay off gabi : jess.ie
Just because your crush talked to you once doesn't mean you have to lecture me like I'm lower than you. : jess.ie

Just a tad jealous, are we ? : dani.k

xgabix : now you've seriously made me angry
xgabix : where in the world did this attitude come from?
xgabix : you are not a child to act jealous over something ridiculousmy stupid.
xgabix : plus who the hell do you think you are?
xgabix : you have no right to come into a conversation disrespecting everyone and anything.
xgabix : stay in your lane and fix your attitude.

stop blowing up my phone Jesus Christ : jess.ie

I have an easy solution for that! : dani.k
LEAVE : dani.k

jess.ie has left 'Squadddd'

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