Love hurts

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You can listen to the music if you want!( sorry that I loved you by: Anthony Neely) ^_^

Zamasu's Pov

As I walked down the road to my brother, name Black,only one more block to go, I looked down staring at the stone road, I missed those memories what happened before (Y/N) was born, it started raining, I looked up, the sky is crying, I looked back up straight, then smiled to myself. And finally I arrived at black's home, I knocked at the door three times,and waited. Till I heard " Mommy someone is at the door!! Can I answer it!!" I smiled at myself, I heard little footsteps coming and a men yelling" no!no!no! You can't reach the door knob,Tommy," I heard the door opening, " oh hey! What's up with ya bro!" Asked my brother, " uh..can ya tell me what's love is? I asked nervously. Black giggled abit, I felt my blood boiling for some reasons, " WELL CAN YOU OR NOT!!" I asked angrily, " not me but you can ask zamasuu he's at the living room he can tell you everything about love now come on in and I'll make you some tea" black said, I went inside and took off my shoes and walk towards the living and finding zamasuu doing house work, he reminds me of my Goku, he noticed me and cheered" hey long Time no see, so what brings you here today, did you bringed (Y/N), i  really want to se him/her?" He asked looking for him/her, I shaked my head a "no" he got upset and sat down, I sat across him, "so what is the problem?" I got a little sad cause what I did to my Goku, I looked up at him, " what is love?" I asked, he had widen eyes, then started to laugh," oh my! Wait! Ok so what's love, what happened between you and Goku tell me the whole story if you care to?" I nodded and said" well it started when (Y/N) was playing with my legs" I told zamasuu for like 5 minutes,

" oh god that was terrible what did you do to Goku, did you already punched him in the face or not?" Asked  zamasuu, I shake no, and started to look at my hands, it was abit pale or idk, I then looked up at zamasuu. His white hair, green skin, even grey eyes, I almost look like him kinda, I had, Pink hair with two small bangs which is coloured white, " the meaning of love is blah blah blah blah(sorry I don't know what love is to, cause I never had a boyfriend but who cares, pretend zamasuu told him already so back with the story) zamasu was so shocked that he know what love is now, he got up and went running towards the door but was stopped by black" hey ya going already?" I slapped his hands away and went to put on my shoes," if ya going to say sorry to your beloved one, go get 'em tiger" I got a bit shocked and looked back at black and smiled at him and nodded, he smiled back, I went running to my house to make phone calls.

Goku's Pov

As I drived away from home, and look back at my baby boy/girl, at least he's/she's safe with his mom, I drived I till I show my parents home, I got a bit happy to see them again, I parked against the alley, and turned off my car, and out of the car, I took (Y/N) first, I walked carefully to the door, I knocked, it opened my mother, " oh hey! What brings you here today! " I showed her my child sleeping, " here take him/her I have to get my bags" I hand my baby to my mother, she took him/her inside, I grabbed my bags, and went inside, my mother was sitting down on the couch watching (Y/N), " where do I put my bags?" I asked, " leave it at the door I'll put it away after," I put the bags in the door and went towards my mother, I sat besides her she patted my back and said" what happened to your family?" I got shocked and remembered what happened to me and my husband, " uh...can me and (Y/N) stay for a night,"  she nodded, " okay tell me what happened then?" " well I was folding (Y/N)'s clothes, I till I heard (Y/N)crying, I went down stairs to check and saw what my husband with him/her I noticed that he yelling at him/her, I grabbed (Y/N) and went to my room" I told her the whole story for 5 minutes, " oh my did zamasu hitting you or not?" I shake no, I got up and grabbed (Y/N), " so where can me and (Y/N) sleep then?" ( (Y/N)means your name, you can be a boy or girl that's why I wrote him or her) my mother lead me to my room, she opened the door, I saw how nice was it, I put (Y/N) in the bed in the corner, and my bed was in the other corner, "thanks mother" I bowed to her, she nodded happily, and said" hey im gonna make dinner so be right back," I nodded and she left,I went to the window and looked out, the air feels good not cold or hot, just normal cool, I heard a soft groan, I looked where it was, it was (Y/N), " mommy where are we?" Asked (Y/N),then he/she yawned, rubbing his/ her eyes," were at grandpa and grandmas house" I said, he/she got up and started bouncing around his/her bed, I giggled at his/her react, I picked him/her up and started talking about a vacation, he/she nodded,till I heard my mother talking g on the phone," no you stay right there and never come! If you lay a hand on my son like hurting him, your not seeing him ever again" she hanged up and came running to my room, " hey Goku zamasu is coming he just called us" she was heavy breathing, I got scared and shake my head no," but don't worry you got me and bardock so we would not let him near you ok?" She said, I nodded, father came to us and said" I don't want a brat like him hurting my son!" I nodded happily, I need to get ready for bed, my parents went downstairs to lock the doors,windows, even that they are good parents to me I love them so much, my parents went to bed that said if someone knocks go tell them but I'm just gonna leave it, and the next morning I'm gonna go to a hotel to stay, I was getting ready to leave for tomorrow, oh yeah I forgot my dinner," hey (Y/N) let's go eat and be quiet my parents are a sleep" he/she nodded, we went downstairs to eat,I want my little baby to stay happy not sad, when went eating till a lond knock on the door, (Y/N) got scared and went running to me, I hugged him/her to my chest,

Sorry I'm just to tired right now, it's 5 in the  morning and my mother hasn't come back yet I'm just worried about her now, anyways if it's zamasu that's gokus babe,and zamasuu is Goku Blacks babe, till next time

Peace out my homies!!!

Ok I didn't really edit the story I'm only putting songs ok bye again

Immortal's First Lover : Fused Zamasu X Son GokuWhere stories live. Discover now