Phase one : Break 2

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"Hey boss guy!" Toga pouted. They were in that rundown shabby bar again, she stuck out her tongue.

"You told me Izu-kyun was a villain through and through, booooo!!!!"

"Shut up, you high school creep." Tomura waved his hand dismissively.

"That was what we thought too, Toga," Kurogiri stated calmly, "Seems we have overestimated Midoriya-san, he still faces some trouble killing people, and seems to be still clinging on to some sort of morals."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Kurogiri turned to a now laughing Toga. He cocked his head in confusion.

"Let's break that last bond and crush all his morals!"

"Only that way can Izu-kyun truly join us!!"


Midoriya was floating in a sea of darkness, he knew he was in some sort of subconscious state, as he could hear voices around him, but failed to respond to them.

Oh well, not like he really wanted to either.

"Midoriya, Midoriya!" He heard Todoroki calling him, detecting a trace of worry and distraught in his tone. Midoriya chuckled.

Oh Todoroki, would you still be showing me this amount of concern once you find out I'm a villain?

He felt a wave of fatigue swamp over him, and decided to close his eyes, lulling himself to sleep. He needed it after all.

He lost track of time, and when he woke up, it was already night. He felt his heavy eyelids slowly lifting, and energy slowly flowing back to his limbs. He was met with white walls, white floor, the constant beeping of a heart monitor.

And a heterochromatic boy sitting beside his bed.

I'm in a hospital?

Midoriya turned his head to his side, facing Todoroki.

He could have sworn he saw a flash of worry in Todoroki's eyes before they switched back to impassiveness.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

Midoriya felt abit groggy, but apart from that, he felt better. He nodded, clutching his head to curb the throb in his head.

"The doctors said you fainted from a emotion drain." Todoroki frowned.

"Just how much are you hiding, Midoriya?"

Midoriya chuckled.

"Not a lot, Todoroki-kun."

"If you can suffer from an emotional drain, that sentence is what you would least expect to hear."

"Then how about another question, Todoroki-kun."

Blue and grey eyes met dark emerald ones.

"What do you fight for, Todoroki-kun?"

He felt a warm hand enclasp his, it was Todoroki's right hand. Surprisingly it wasn't as cold as he thought.

"I fight to protect the weak, and to protect my loved ones."

"Who are your loved ones?"

Todoroki went quiet.

"Your family?"

Midoriya saw Todoroki bite the inside of his lip, he knew it was a painful topic to talk about, but that pushed him to ask.

"They don't matter to you Midoriya, my family business doesn't concern you." Todoroki looked at him coldly, all warmth and comfort minutes ago gone.

"Oh. But something tells me we're going to be stuck together for a really long time. So it'll be better if you tell me now than later." Midoriya laughed, earning himself a snort from Todoroki. It was true, as long as the league of villains weren't stepping down, they weren't going to go their separate ways.

Plus since Sakuya's dead, the press management would go under the supervision of Endeavor.

"How about you Midoriya?" The voice was sudden that it interrupted Midoriya's thoughts.

"How about me?"

"What do you fight for?"

Midoriya closed his eyes, thinking about the times he'd be scorned, shunned, and mistreated.

"To create a fairer world."

"Who do you fight for?"

He'd been thinking.

He vaguely knew the reason why he still held on desperately to that fraction of morality, deep down he was still fighting against his broken, dark self. Refusing to submit yet. It was fleeting, but still there.

"I fight for someone, Todoroki-kun." Midoriya gently said, mouth forming a small smile.

"She's the reason why I'm still fighting."

But the fighting I'm talking about... isn't the fighting you're asking about.

I'm fighting to remain what society calls 'good'

As long as she's there, I can still be good.

He saw Todoroki's eyes widen, as if he didn't expect an answer from him.

"...Who are you... Izuku Midoriya?"

Midoriya's eyes opened, surprised at that question.

"I'm me, that's all."

"That's not it, you're an enigma, Midoriya, no matter how much I pry, you're like a book filled with secrets. An unknown past. Your behavior and mannerisms puzzle me."

"Care to explain?"

"You're like both sides of a coin, on one side, you're gentle and kind , on the other side, you're sardonic and heartless."

Midoriya laughed.

"You overestimate me, Todoroki-kun. I'm perfectly normal."

"But I'm not leaving you alone until I've fully decoded you."

A/N: Earlier update because Christmas!! Haha Merry Christmas everyone !! 🎄🎄
Not much action this time, more on interaction. And this chapter was slightly shorter ;; But next chapter I promise!! :))
Also my phone batt is at 1% save me.


Thank you for following up with Fractured! 💕

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