chapter 3

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Jake's pov

I take a sip of my hot chocolate as I watch Bullet and Bill run around the back yard.

I love having these two dogs...they can be so...funny.

They were just two weeks old when my mom and dad got them for my brother and I.


I was sitting in my room playing the x- box trying to figure how to beat the next level on this stupid game when my baby brother comes running in.

I let out a long sigh as he jumps on my bed. "Jason come on now I'm trying to play a game." I whined trying to continue my game but I end up pausing it because Jason wouldn't move his head.

"Jason what do you want now?" I asked him.

Jason giggles at my question and then smiles at me. "daddy just called and he told me that he had a surprise for the both of us." He told me.

My eyes light up as he said this. I hadn't seen my dad in six months because of his job.

I let a smile fall to my lips.

"When will he be here?" I asked him with a smile on my lips.

"He said that we need to go to the window and to watch for him...he said that we'll be able to see the surprise from there!" He said running to the window and I had soon followed him sitting on the little space between the window.

"I'm so excited I've missed daddy so much." Jason had said.

I smiled at him and put my hand on his shoulder. "I've missed him too buddy." I said back to him.

We stayed at that window for another five minutes before we finally saw dad's car slowly making it's way towards the house.

That's when Jason went running off down the stairs but I had stay right where I was.

Dad's car door opened and he stepped out and started laughing. A moment later Jason was in his arms and so was my mother.

Don't get me wrong I had missed my father very much it was just...that I felt a little weird around him for some reason...I don't know why though.

Maybe it was because I hadn't seen him in so long or was just something else.

I had continued to look down at the rest of my family when dad had started to reach for the back car door. As he opened it, for some reason my heart started to pound.

He pulled a box out and set it on top of the car and he began to open it and what was inside made me gasp. Two small German Shepherd puppies.

I looked at him as he handed one to Jason and as if he felt me staring at him, my father looked up at the window and stared at me. He smiled and then raised his right hand into the air with the other puppy in it for me to get a better look at it.

It brought a small smile on to my face staring into the eyes of that little little puppy.

End of flashback

It's hard to believe that was almost three years ago. It feels.... strange almost like it's not real or something.

I let out a sigh as I drink the rest of my hot chocolate before sitting the cup on the little table beside the swing.

I let out a chuckle as bullet and bill begin to fight over a stick.

I hear the door open to see Katie and Jake walk out. Jack goes straight out into the back yard to play with the dogs while Katie makes her way towards me.

She lets out a sigh as she sits next to me with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in another.

"Oh did you come out here to read Me a story?" I ask her jokingly.

She squints her eyes and sticks out her tongue before opening her book.

"Where's Carl at?"

She lets out another sigh before speaking.

"He's inside watching TV...why?"

I shrug my shoulders before looking to the side.

Once again she lets out a sigh before shutting her book and turns to look at me.

"Ok you piece of shit you better tell me the details before I hit you with this damn book." She says and I roll my eyes before letting out a sigh.

"Well...I don't really know for sure but....I see.....I believe that I could..... possibly -" I try to speak but before I can get what I want to come out she hits me in the back of the head with her stupid book.

"What the hell Katie...what was that for?" I ask rubbing the back of my head.

"Just freaking speak or I'm gonna hit you again." She says giving me one of her looks.

I let out a sigh as I look down.

"Katie...I think....I like Carl...." I say adverting my eyes to the ground.

I hear her beginning to laugh and I look up to see her face lighting up like a damn tomato.

"Oh shit.....that is not what I thought you were gonna say....oh wow." She says through her laughter.

"Thanks Katie...thanks for this great talk." I say standing up.

She slowly stops laughing before looking at me. "Hey look I'm sorry... it's not that big of a deal.... I mean just tell him." She says.

Now how and the hell did we reach this part of the conversation.

"Are you crazy,he's only been here two days...I can't tell him.....he Know freak out."

She rolls her eyes before opening her book again.

"Whatever but if it was me I would go ahead and tell him." She says

I groan as I walk inside. If it was me I would go ahead and tell him.

I can't tell him. I mean I don't even know him that well. That's kinda of weird to have a crush on someone you barley know.

I make my way to the living room where I see Carl sitting on the couch watching Finding Nemo.

"That's one of my favorites." I say from behide causing him to jump up a little.

He stares at me before letting out a sigh.

"Don't do that." He tells me with a small smile.

I let a chuckle come to my lips before sitting down next to him. "Sorry." I say to him before looking at the Tv.

"I haven't seen this movie since....since a long time ago." He tells me. I nod my head. "Yeah we have other movies....they're not all here because Katie likes to take half the damn shelf into her room but there a lot over there." I tell him.
"I know...I picked this one's kinda one of my favorites too." He says to me turning to look at me.

I let out a small chuckle as I see the small blush on his face. "So was there something...something you needed to talk to me about?" He asks me.

I look at him and stare into his eyes. Those eyes I swear I could get lost in those eyes. "Yeah actually there was...I...wanted to....say....that I-" before I can even say anything else a gun shot goes off and Carl and I both jump off the couch.

Then more go of.

"What the hell is going on." Carl says.

That's when the door opens and Katie runs in.

"Jake we have a problem....we have a big, big problem!" She screams before taking out her gun and running back outside.

I pull my gun out and run out after her and what I see makes me gasp.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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