In Laws and Custody

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Winona stared at Maxwell, who simply gave her a look of apathy. There was silence between the two of them, only the sounds of trees shaking and the fire crackling were heard. The fallen king tended at the fire, cooking meat over it at the same time.

He was decked with a strange looking armor- it was translucent and dark. At his side was a sword, made with the same strange material as the armor he wore.

Winona only had sticks, grass, flint, an axe, and her trusty tape. Also maybe a smarter mind then this old douche.

"I never invited you to stay you do know that right?"

Winona shrugs, he didn't chase her away so her presence wasn't unwanted and neither did he bother to tell her this 30 minutes ago.

"Got some food on ya? I ate all mine yesterday"

He looks iffy, and reluctant.

The silence goes on until night falls. Maxwell finally stands up, and paces around the fire. "Watch the fire, she's coming"

"Who's comin- oh"

The faint silhouette of a young woman in the dark makes Winona's heart squeeze. "Charlie"

"Charlie, please, please just let me talk to you again" Maxwell edges towards the dark figure, his voice straining. He moves further and further away from the light. Winona sees the dark hands crawling towards him.

"Hey! Old hag, get ya dusty rear back here ga gonna get busted up like that!" Winona gets up from where she sat, grabbing Maxwell by the scruff back to their light source. "How'd ya know Charles? Thats my sis ya talkin' to there!"

Winona looks back where the woman once stood, she was no longer there. Where her sister once stood, she was was no longer there. Not there anymore.

The old fellow still seemed to be fixed in a trance. He swallowed, finally taking a breath.

"Charlie, she was there..."

"Yeah, I know she was! I'm askin' why ya know her!" She shakes him around like a ragdoll. "Wait a minute! Ya like like that Maxwell fellow on that poster she sent me! You that fellow that went missin' with my sis!"

She looks angry, horrendously angry, mad to the point she was shaking. "YOU!" She angrily shouts, pointing at him.

"YOU'RE THE REASON I'M HERE AND WHY MY SISTER WAS GONE ARE'NT 'CHA?" She remembers seeing those statues of him, along with a dead guy who left some stuff, and a very mean mechanic horse. Winona remembers seeing those stupid looking statues, statues of him looking so proud, triumphant, cocky.

She wanted to bash him with the stick she had. Before she could actually act on her thoughts the fire went out. "Gosh, look at what happens you nimrod! How do I make a torch again..."

She takes one of sticks and a few tufts of grass, tying them up together. Winona looks up, trying to find the source of the sound she just heard. Her heart feels like it's going to implode. She quickly moves to the right, a faint woosh sound was made.

She lights up her torch, grinning at the dark figure who hisses at the light directed at her.

"I know all your moves Charlie!"

The figure disappears into the night, fragmenting.

Winona lights a nearby tree on fire to use as a makeshift campfire. She looks back at the fellow she was about to pummel. He was tuckered out, and looked sad. So very sad, like an abandoned dog.

She didn't have the heart to take out her anger on him now.

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