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Yoongi groaned in his head as the blonde dude walked down the stairs with a smirk plastered on his face. He was trying so hard not to punch him.

Please fuck off please fuck off please FUCK OFF!

He slowly turned his body so that he won't face him. The authority radiating off him and his handsome face wasn't helping the situation at all. How he wish he could run away. His thoughts were... yeah. A picture of him was suddenly pasted in his mind and he suddenly started biting his lips.

Oh my god- how i wish he could fuck me. I would gladly drop down to my feet to beg him to fuck me. Look at that oh so luscious lips i swear i would come the minute it wraps around my dick. I wonder how big is his dick. I need a really big think and long dick- Okay Min Yoongi you did not just thought of that.

Yoongi face palmed in mind as he thought of what he was thinking. Suddenly he was pulled by an arm that was wrapped around his waist. His hands instinctively went to the other's chest and his face showed a surprised expression.

"So pretty, what are you doing in a place like this? Its very dangerous with all those people around, especially me."

His expression immediately changed to a 'are you serious' face.

"With my handsome face, people drop dead on the floor in an instant."

You don't say....

"So, what do you think? Should we head to my room? I can-"

And just like that, a punch was threw at him. The blonde dude looked at him in shock after he fell to the floor. Yoongi was fuming as he crossed his arms and 'hmphed'.

"Don't touch me you filthy thing, who knows how many dirty things you have touched today. If thats how you treat your guests then i suggest you stop. People, like me, will not hesitate, to make sure you can't make girls give birth anymore. And don't get too cocky just because you fucked a lot of people.

And please, that face of yours is average, it can't be compared to what i see in my previous place. Now shut the fuck up and take me to your guest room, and possibly give me some food. Im starving like fuck right now and i want to sleep."

He narrowed his eyes dangerously at the man, not regretting a sinhle word he said. His sharp tongue may have gotten the best of him but the atrocious man in front of him deserved it so he returned it 10 times fold.

The blonde man stared at him in surprise for a while holding onto his cheek before chuckling softly. He slowly stood up and raised his hands with a smile, signalling that he wanted a handshake. Yoongi stared at him for a while before shaking it, secretly swooning over him while his face remained emotionless.

"So sorry about my manners before, theres a reason for that. If you want to i can explain it to you." The blonde man offered.

"Tell me later, i seriously need some food and sleep right now."

Yoongi brushed off the offer with a mave of his hands and the blonde man started taking him to his room.

"The names Jimin. Park Jimin. You?"

Yoongi looked at him for a while before blushing a little and mumbled out his name, which was loud ennugh for the man beside him to hear.

".. Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

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