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No one pov

"Why don't you ever try to fucking understand me, you only think about yourself, have you ever thought about how I feel, you always try to protect me!! I don't need you, your only duty is to purify the akumas, and that's it!! You're such a bitch!! I wish I never married you!!" Adrien was yelling at marinette because she got hurt during fighting a akuma trying to protect Adrien. Marinette starts to cry silently, he couldn't hear a sobb or nothing, as a matter of fact, he didn't even know she was crying because her head was down, "i-i didn't know you felt about me that way.. (Marinette is wispering while speaking) but... have you ever thought about me not wanting to lose you, I only try to protect you because I love you, but, if I'm that much of a bother... I will leave this house. Dont worry about the children. They wont be a bother either. I will leave them with my parents for a few days. I'm sorry for forcing you on loving me... Emma, hugo, Louis, pack up your suit cases, we are going with grandma and grandpa... I guess that I now understand why your mother left your father, the only difference is that I wont leave my children with you, goodbye Mr. Agreste. Oh by the way, have your ring back." When Mari threw her ring on the floor and it rolled to Adriens feet, he noticed what he just said, but it was to late. The love of his life had already left with his children, maybe she was right. He is becoming like his father.

Marinette pov

I know he didn't mean what he said. We have had a lot of fights for the same thing. That is why I am not crying, I know him better then he knows himself. In three two one, *ding, dong* there he is. *unlocks the door* "bugabbo I'm sorry I didn't mean anything, please forgive me I cant live with out u*crawls to her feet*please my'lady forgive me, I will never tell at u again!!" "Adrien... adrien!!" "Y-yes m'lady, my buginette, my bugaboo, my princess, my sunshine, my-" I cut him off before he could call me another one of my nicknames "I forgive you, buuuut, u have to do something special for me tonight~" I say in a very seductive voice "also don't worry about the children they are with my grandparents~" "well, what do u want me to do tonight my lady*seductive voice*" "you know chaton... I have been very stressed and I think you can help me on that~" of course bugaboo, I will take all of the stress away, like. This~.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand we have come to an end of this chapter *people booing* hey hey hey calm your horses there will be another chapter, but that chapter will be very but I mean very dirty, so prepare for it...... bye bye my little dirty jelly beans ~

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