Chapter 4

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Destiny P.O.V

"Dude wake up! We got to get ready for the party." I heard Joey saying in my ear. I groaned because I had totally forget I told Jenna I was gonna go. Ugh. I groaned again and sat up.

"I'm up I'm up." I yawned and stretching my arms. Joey chuckle at the sounds I made. I looked over and saw Chris and Ray still passed out on the couch. Chris is laying on his stomach with leg hanging over the couch and so is his arm. Ray is on the floor with a pillow and blanket snoring so loud. I stood up and hit Chris with a pillow and he flew up so fast holding his chest.

"Wtf did you do that for? I thought someone was killing me D." he wheezed out while holding his chest. I just laughed at his reaction.

"We got to get up and get ready for the party." I said getting ready to hit Ray with the pillow next. I raised the pillow over my head and hit Ray right on the back he sat up and did the same thing I laughed.

"It's okay she did the same thing to me. Thought you died for a second too right?" Chris said standing up and stretching like a cat. Ray just nodded his head in confusion of what just had happen.

I started to walk up stairs to my room. I open my door and I was welcome to my light blue painted room with stars and pictures of me and the boys on my wall and different trophies were scatter on a shelf in my room. I sighed and walked inside my walk in closet looking for something to wear. I grabbed a olive green sweatshirt crop top and white ripped jeans and a pair of olive green timberlands. I grabbed  underwear and bra and went into the bathroom and got ready. After I was finished I went downstairs and waited for the boys.

Chris came down wearing a navy blue button down with light was jeans and white Adidas he had on a silver watch with a good chain hanging from his neck and of course he was walking down brushing his waves. Ray came down second he was wearing a black polo shirt with dark jeans on and he also had a gold chain. He let his hair down which was really curly but it looked good on him and he had on black timberlands. At least I'm not the only one wearing Tim's. Joey took the longest to come down. He came down in a white button down with dark jeans on. I don't know what is going on with gold chains but he had one on too and a gold watch.

Once we all were ready we called an uber since we were all planning on getting trashed. Once the uber arrived I told the boys Jenna had changed the venue. When we arrived the club was packed with high school students.

"I'm gonna go get a VIP section for tonight." yelled Joey over the blaring music in the background. I just nodded and he walked away. I waited with Chris and Ray until Joey got back and he came and told me that he had got the room so we all followed Joey to our VIP section.

"Thank God it's quiet up here." Ray said letting out a breath and looking down at everyone at the dance floor.

"I know right? I wonder how many people are actually from the school." Chris said looking down at his phone.

"I don't know and I don't care but I don't  know about y'all but I'm ready to get drunkkkkkkkk." I said opening a bottle of vodka and pouring me some in a cup.

"See this is why you are my best friend." Joey said holding his cup out waiting for me to pour him some. We all laughed and started to drink. Chris and Me decide to go to the dance floor. Chris ended up leaving me to go dance with some chick so I went to the bar.

"Can I get Hennessey please hold the ice." I said to the bar tender. He shook his head and started to make my drink. I'm surprise he didn't card anyone here. I guess that's what happen when you rent places out.

"You must have had a rough day for you to hold the ice." I heard someone slurred from behind me. I turned around and saw Jenna dressed in a short black sequin dress. She had on black pumps and her black hair was curled all the way down to her back. I smirked.

"Nah just wanna get drunk." I said casually. She leaned over me and laughed.

"So why are you alone at a bar? I mean your the hottest person here tonight." she slurred in my ear. I flinched a little when I felt her tongue glided over my ear.

"Well Chris ditched me on the dance floor and I don't know about being the hottest person here." I said back into her ear and pointing to the dance floor where you see Chris dancing with a girl more like grinding.  She smiled when I said that.

"Hmm so who is the hottest person then?" she asked leaning a little to close for my liking. I shrugged and she laughed. She sat in my lap unexpected and I  spilled some of my drink on the bar. I groaned quietly I really wanted to chug all of my drink.

"Babe I've been looking all over for you."someone said behind me and Jenna. We both turned around and I gasped.

It was Dominick.

"A friend she is really wasted." I said playing along with her. I smiled. Jenna got off of my lap and fixed her dress. She was so drunk she didn't even realize it was Mrs.Santiago

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend." she said confused looking back in forth between me and Dominick.

Neither did I.

"Yeah I was trying to tell you that earlier." I shouted because the music was getting louder. She nodded and walked away.

"Thank you." I said gratefully. I just realized my teacher is at a club with underage students that are drinking. Fuck. And she is our teacher.

"Your welcome. Question though  why is the whole senior class at a club that is meant for adults twenty one and over." she asked smirking.

"Welllll you see someone rented the whole place out for the back to school party and I guess we all wanted to socialize." I said. I didn't mention that Jenna rented it out I didn't want her to get in trouble just in case Dominick was going to say something.

"Wow! Well I honestly don't even care at the moment even though I should but I need a drink." she said trying to wave down the bar tender and leaning over the bar basically trying to get his attention I couldn't help but smile.

Damn it. What do I need to do to get a drink.

Dominick thought. I just smiled at what she had thought.

"Here let me help. What do you want?" I asked smiling deviously.

"Ummm I just want a vodka tonic." she said nervously. I jumped over the counter and start making her drink.She gasped and her eyes had widen when I start to make her drink.

"Get from behind there. You are gonna get us in trouble."she hissed lowly watching the bar tender flirt with some chick at the other end of the bar.

"Oh please me? I told you I'm the danger." I said innocently handing her drink. She took her drink and said thank you.

"Well now that I have my drink come back over the counter please." she begged still looking back in forth to me and the bar tender.

"Okay okay I'm coming back over." I said jumping back over the bar. When I jumped down I stood right in front of her and she smelled like fucking flowers and cupcakes. I smiled at her.

I just want to kiss her. Her li-

Before she even could finish her thought I smashed my lips on her s. She kissed me back.I smiled into the kiss. I just kissed a fucking teacher. Oh shit. We both pulled back and we started to catch our breath. I looked at her and have her a small smile.

"I'm so sorry." I stammered and looked at her.She just turned around and walked away. I stood there confused. I went after her but I couldn't find her anywhere.
So I just went back to the VIP section.

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