Chapter 1

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Destiny P.O.V

I hate Monday's. I really do. Why do we even have to create this thing we call a weekday. After Joey screamed in my ear talking about get my lazy ass up. We are in the car going to a place I call hell aka School.

"Dude did you hear anything I just said." spoke Joey while tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Huh? Sorry I spaced out for a little bit what did you say?" I asked. I looked at him waiting for him to respond.

"Dude you been doing that lately ever since you and Tessah broke up." he said quietly. I sighed when he said her name. The feeling came back all over again in the pit of my stomach. But I pushed it away.

I want my best friend back. She needs to get laid! Idiot you just had to say something about that bitch! I heard Joey thinking in his mind.

"I'm fine just tired." I lied. I drank some of my coffee and put it back in the cup holder.

"Dude what ever you say but there is a back to school party tonight and Jenna is hosting it like always and we should totally go. So what you say you in?" my best friend said to me while he wiggling his eyebrows like they were doing a little dance. I laughed.

"Hell yes I'm going we can't be the beautiful duo if I wasn't there." I stated truthfully. He laughed agreeing to what I just said.

Ten minutes later we ended up pulling into hell. I groaned internally. I can't wait to graduate from this fucking place. Joey parked the car and we got out. I read the letters of the building that I have seen for the last four years of my life. Ewa Maki Highschool. I hated this place with my whole heart. I started walking along with Joey on my right side.

I started to hear everyone thoughts and they flooded my brain all at once. I looked up trying to match the voices with the thoughts but I couldn't so I tried to block them out of my head but failed so I continuing to walk to with Joey to the courtyard.

When we reached the courtyard I looked around the tree grassy area with tables for my friends. I spotted them and my face lit up. Joey must of saw them too he pulled my arm and start walking towards. When we got close he let my arm go and I rolled my eyes when he turned and smiled towards me.

"Was up motherfuckerss!" shouted Chris. I laughed and gave him a hug. I guess you can call Chris what you would say an average play boy he got the dark chocolate skin with pretty light brown eyes. He is wearing white jeans with a nice red polo shirt. He has the gold watch and gold chain on. And he even got the waves going on in his hair.

"Only you would say shout something like that 6 in the morning idiot." I told him shaking my head. He laughed.

"Well you know me baby I just can't help it that I'm fly as fuck and I don't give a fuck." he joked swinging his arms up and down his body with a smirk on his lips.

"Dude you don't even know what fly as fuck is even if it hit you in your face." Joey said punching him in his shoulder. Chris punched him back with a frown on his face. I laughed at them still acting like we were in elementary all over again.

"Miss me?" said a voice behind me and immediately I smiled and turned around.

"Ray!!!" I screamed pretty loudly while jumping on him. Some of the students in the courtyard looked at us weirdly but I didn't care. I have all of my best friends back. If you haven't notice I don't have a girl best friend they are just to much drama and yes I know I'm gay. Bless my heart right?

"Bro look at you! So no more glasses huh?" I said excitedly.
I looked at him up and down he looks so different. I remember ever since we were friends he would wear glasses and nerd clothes I would called them. But now he is dressed in dark blue jeans with timberlands and white tee shirt and a grey jacket thrown on over the whit tee shirt. His hair is silked back with gel in a pony tail. His light blue eyes matching his Puerto Rican skin tone. He just looks so different but I liked it.

"Yeah I know right but I had to glow up for senior year right?" he said smiling with his hands wide opening gesturing towards the school hallways.

"I guess so." I said shaking my head lightly. We all talked about what we did in summer and how many trips we each took. We all had different home rooms this year which sucked ass but we all to go in the same hallway which was good. I told the boys I was going to the bathroom and they all said alright and said to meet them outside in the hallway when homeroom ended.

I walked to the bathroom and when I walked in heard someone crying. So I walked around the corner to see a girl crying. I heard her thoughts right away.

I can't believe she did this? And on the first day! 3 damn years and she did this!

I didn't hear her thoughts any more so I looked up and I saw her looking at me wiping her tears away smiling. I gave a sad smile back.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I couldn't help but check her out she had dark hair and beautiful brown eyes and the black dress she was wearing hugged her curves in all the right places and I mean damn she was sexy even when she was crying.

"Yes I'm okay." she chirped happily. I know that was a lie cause I heard her thought. I was gonna ask if she was sure but I didn't want to push her and after all I am a stranger.

"Are you new here? I never seen you before." I said curious. She looked at me and smiled.

"Yes I just transfer here." She said gracefully. I was so astonished with her beauty that I forgot all about homeroom and until the late bell had rung. I sighed. I didn't want to go.

"Fuck!" I whisper harshly under my breathed. Taking my phone out my pocket I looked at the time and rolled my eyes. I hate school.

"Same mutual feeling I see. I guess we better get going to class?" she said amused at my reaction tilting her head waiting for my answer.

"Yeah that sounds good." I said mentally face palming myself for saying that. We both walked out of the bathroom in a comfortable silence. I started to walk to my class but the girl who was crying also did too.

"What classroom are you in?" she asked me while she walked a little faster to walk next to me.

"Umm I'm in room 304." I said looking down at my schedule that I got online and continue to walk but I looked at her. I couldn't help but notice that she didn't have a book bag but I thought she might of left it in her locker or something.

"Oh wow I guess we are in the same classroom." she said giving me a confused looked. Walking a little faster and opening the classroom door for me. I thanked her. When I walked in everyone was scattered in groups and chatting away. Once again I heard everyone thoughts come rushing towards me and I sighed and just let it happen.

I found a seat in the middle row next to girl who was thinking about going home and just sleeping. I wanted to say same but that will be creepy as hell of I say 'Hi I wanna go home and sleep too but I knew that cause I read your thoughts.' yeah right she will call me crazy.

I looked for the girl beautiful girl who was in the bathroom crying. I kept thinking I didn't even know her name. When I looked around the classroom I saw her in the front writing on the white board and it said.


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