Chapter 6

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Destiny P.O.V

I woke up in my bed the bright sunlight was coming in through my blinds. I turned over and groaned and threw the blanket over my head. Ughhhhh I don't want to go to school and I have to drive there. I am feeling very lazy today but on the other hand I can't believe that I kissed my fucking teacher. I pushed the blanket from over my head and turned over and grabbed my phone. I clicked the button and looked at the time fuck I am late to school now just fucking great.

I jumped out of bed and ran to my bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth as I was brushing my teeth. I was just looking at myself in the mirror and just groaning internally because my hair is a mess and I have to brush my hair out and still take a shower and get dressed. I spit out my toothpaste in my sink and turned off the water. I walked over to my rain shower at my least my parents got one thing right I told myself. I turned the shower onto hot and I left the bathroom and walked into my closet, I grabbed my Nike black sweatpants and a black sports bra and my favorite light blue Nickelodeon sweatshirt. I walked back to the bathroom and took and shower and did my hair.

As I was about to get in my car I heard my phone ringing and I picked it up and of course it is Joey calling me. " What?" I said in a tired angry voice. I unlocked my car and got in. "You know you are late to school right and you don't seem like a happy camper. Had to much drink last night!" he said in a shouting tone on purpose and chuckling at the end. This boy I am going to murder him one day and bury him with my pot plants.

"Really? Was that necessary at all! I am so tired and I have not had a coffee yet." I told him and started
up my car. I reached over and placed my phone my on my dashboard on its clip. "Yeah I already know you so I got you a coffee idiot so get your ass to school because I got some juicy ass gossip for you."he said in very girly way. I laughed threw the phone

"All I heard was coffee you got me there and I don't care about the high school population of drama." I said in a monotone voice. I backed my car out and started to head for school. "Yeah you always say that but still be interested plus this one involves a new hot lesbian girl." he said in a sexy voice. I can just imagine him moving his eyebrows in a seductive way.

"Hmmmm interesting I want to see this new girl but I think I got my eye on someone already." I said thinking about me and Dominick kissed last night. "Okay when did you start having your eye on someone you did not tell me and the boys about this D!" he said screaming through the phone. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay its just happen recent and I want to keep it on the low so I didn't tell you guys." I said shyly knowing that Joey is not going to go for that answer. "Wow okay so let get this straight D you started liking someone new after 3 years of not wanting to date anyone and you didn't think to tell us at all?" he said strictly. I sighed because I knew he was right but I didn't want to think about that right now. " Yeah something like that." I said happily trying to brush off this weird feeling.

" Okay D I support you and me and the boys want you to be happy so we will talk later idiot. Now get hurry your ass up its almost 4th period!" he said calmly. I pulled in the school parking lot and see Joey standing near the front entrance of our school. "Funny thing my guy I am already here Bitch!!" I said rolling my window down and screaming at him. He starts laughing and pointing at me and started to head where I was parking at.

I parked my car and hung up my phone with Joey still on my line. I looked over and seen Joey knocking at my window on the passenger door. I unlocked the door to let him in. He gets in my car and hands me my coffee. " Was Up motherfuckerrr!" he says in asian voice laughing. "Bro how do you have so much energy already like we went out partying last night." I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"I honestly I have no clue D its like my body is a natural coffee for its self." he said gesturing to his body with his arms going up and down. I threw my head back and laugh. "Your an idiot but tell me about this new hottt girl you wanted me to know so bad." I said poking him in his cheeks and laughing.

"Okay okay okay so she just moved here from Maine with her family blah blah blah and she is like instagram famous and apparently from the football the team they said that she told them she goes for the other team." he said so excited. " Okay soooo what does she look like then." I said looking at him drinking my coffee.

"Damn D let me get to it." he said taking a deep breathe so dramatic. " Okay so she is short and Caucasian and she has like brown hair and I swear to god her nipples are pierced but I don't know and she is pretty thick for a white girl but over all she has a very pretty face." I looked at him and just smiled. I read Joey thoughts

I just describe her type so either she takes her or i'm going to physically change into to girl just to have her for myself.

Hmmmm if I was girl I would play with boobs all day.

I laughed because like what the fuck you would be so surprise how much random thoughts be having its appalling sometimes. "Okay I got to see this girl from myself if you saying is true." I said reaching in my backseat grabbing my backpack.

"Yes no trust me D she is hot and definitely your type and since you already have your eye on someone one more won't hurt." he said jokingly and we started laughing together. The school bell finally rung letting us know its time to get to 4th period.

"Alright so lets go to class then and get this shit over with." said Joey getting out the car and grabbing his backpack and shutting my door. I get to out of the car and locked my car. I looked up and started to see the kids coming out of their classes.

I sighed and couldn't help think and dread about going to Dominick's class because last night kiss was a big thing and not only that but she is my teacher. I couldn't help think if I should forget the hot teacher and play it safe and check out the hot new girl or risk it all and go for the Dominick.

I guess I am really danger not for other people but for myself. I walked into the gates of hell and prepared myself for the school day.

Just a new Beautiful Hellish Day begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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