Life and Death

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"Life asked death, 'Why do people love me but hate you?' Death responded, 'Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth." -Author unknown  

We had met on many occasions throughout our existence, our paths crossed more times than I can count. I cherish every moment I get to see her beautiful face. We are two opposites, different in many ways yet I couldn't stop it from happening.

I see her standing there, waiting for my arrival. When we are only a few feet apart she turns to me. Her beauty is mesmerizing, her hair is long and golden like the sun shining in the sky, her eyes the colour of yellow amber, her skin slightly toned and radiant. I contrast her with my slightly curly jet black hair, eyes as black as the night sky, and skin as pale as a corpse. 

She is light and I am darkness, the sun and I the moon, a beautiful lie and I the painful truth. We are two parts of a whole, like Yin and Yang, without one the balance would slip. Together we could create something magical or bring down a shower of despair and malevolence on this world.

Our gazes lock, after a few moments she raises her hands with the white orb in her palms. I take it from her and enclose my hand around it, the light slips between my fingers slowly diminishing till there's nothing there. I look down at my now empty hands between us knowing its moved on to where it belongs.

She raises her hand to my face; cupping my cheek. I close my eyes and cling to the moment hoping it will last forever but deep down I know it won't. I open my eyes and she gives me a small knowing smile. She removes her hand from my face and we both head our separate ways.

All I can think about every second of every day is her. This beautiful creature that is loved by all, I am one that most are sad or fearful to see, it's such a comparison, it makes us so different, but yet she is never sad to see me. She accepts me for who I am. Knows that I have to do what I do and it's for the greater good. She accepts that every life must end. 


Days later after many encounters, we are about to part ways for the millionth time when I reach for her hand grasping it in my own. She looks back to me half turned away unsure of what to do. Never have I reached for her when we should be departing, I need her and I need her now. I may be being selfish but I've been waiting for centuries. I can tell from the look in her eyes she has to.

I pull her to me, she doesnt stop me. She feels so right in my arms, I look into those beautiful almond shaped eyes and I don't know how I've waited this long. I lean in slowly waiting to see if she stops me. When shes a breath away I close my eyes and our lips meet. 

It's like a fires been lit inside me and for the first time I feel something other than darkness, I feel her warmth, her life, her being and I never want to let go. The flame burns through me, it rushes to my toes then back to my fingertips. 

The kiss only lasts seconds but it feels like forever; and that's what I'll have with her. We will always part ways but time will bring us back together again and again. 

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