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So... a few days ago Ryan told me that he has a crush on me! Yesterday was our last day before winter break, and we watched a movie. Since Ryan and I aren't in the same homerooms, and his class was seated last, he couldn't get a seat by my friend Ruby and me. When we went to eat, again he couldn't get a seat by us, however he came over to our table, and asked if I wanted a kiss. I was really confused and slightly worried, but a few seconds later he held up a Hershey Kiss. Later, after laughing at the insanity of my half demon friend, we went to finish the movie. This time Ryan sat next to me. After the movie this girl, Aubrey, who was sitting behind us, said to Ryan, "You should ask her out." After Ryan's class left Ruby asked if Ryan and I were dating. Honestly I don't know.

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