Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Emma’s POV

“Who’s at the door Emma?” Joe shouted from the living room. Well... who was at the door. I looked at the girl in front of me. How...

“Are you Emma Smith?” The girl asked me. I nodded and gestured her to come in. I still didn’t say anything to her. How could I?

Wait, why did I let her in? Ooh hell.. she was now inside anyway.

“Em?” Joe’s voice sounded from through the living room. I was still staring at the girl. How was this possible? I heard footsteps. Of course they came looking where I was.

“Em, who’s this. Wait. How. This can’t be...” Joe looked as confused as I felt.

“Uhm... I think I should probably tell why I am here..” The girl that still didn’t say her name told me and Joe. I looked at Joe and then nodded.

“I think that would be wise.” I said after a while, still staring at the girl .

“Maybe we can talk in the kitchen? I’ll ask Nora to make us some tea?” Joe asked. I nodded and Joe walked off.

“Okay, please follow me.” I said to the girl and walked to the kitchen, where Nora was already making tea with an unreadable look on her face.

“Emma, I don’t really understand...” Nora said before she looked up. She looked from me to the girl. She had the same confusion written on her face as Joe had. Only if Marcus walked in now. That would be drama.

“Tea is ready in two minutes.” Nora said as she walked out. I sent her a quick thank you smile and said down. “Please sit down too.” I said politely. I wasn’t really sure what to say else.

I grabbed the cups of tea when they were ready and placed on in front of the girl and kept mine in my hands. “Maybe it would be nice if you introduced yourself?” I asked the girl.

“I’m so sorry. Of course. How rude of me.” The girl said apologizing. “My name is Rose Jardin. I was an orphan until I was twelve when my parents adopted me. Recently they told me I was adopted and that my real parents are still alive.” Rose said.

I nodded slowly. “So, you’re saying that I am related to you in a way?” I asked unsure. Rose nodded. “Yes, we are family of each other.” She said. I sighed a little annoyed, couldn't she be more specific?

“In what way are we related?” I asked Rose. Rose looked down to grab something from her bag. She grabbed a large envelope and handed it to me. “Everything you want to know is in here. You can take a look if you want.” She said.

I opened the envelope and looked through the pages. Most of it was in French and my French wasn’t really that good. There was one letter in Dutch so I decided to read it.


Rose Smith.

Geboren: 16.07.1995

Ouders: Kate Bakker en Simon Smith

Weegt: 3,4 KG

Geslacht: vrouw

(birth certificate

Rose Smith

Born on: 16.07.1995

Parents: Kate Bakker and Simon Smith

Weights: 3,4 KG

Gender: female)

“wait.. you’re saying that you are my twin sister?” I exclaimed surprised. Never in a million years I would’ve guessed this. I have a twin sister? Jesse has another sister? How the hell. How could my parents do this to her? How could they put her up for adoption?

“I know what you’re thinking. Why did your parents put me up for adoption?” Rose said, answering my main question.

“I went to Kate first and then to Simon, asked them why they put me up for adoption.” Rose told me. I looked at her questionably. Now she had to spill the beans and soon.

“Kate said that she didn’t want me and Simon told me that he and Kate weren’t as wealthy at the time and weren’t able to handle two babies at the same time. To be honest, your father was nicer to me than your mother.” Rose said.

I clenched my teeth. I couldn't believe that my mom actually told Rose that her and dad didn’t want her. That was so rude. Rose looked at me confused. “Is it something I said? I didn’t mean to be rude about your mother or something.” She said unsure.

“It’s not you, it’s my mother. I can’t believe she told you that. well, I kind of can. My mother is... err... how to say it nicely. My mother cheated on my father and then tried to fix it with me and my brother. I can’t really stand her anymore.” I quickly explained.

Rose said nothing, just looking at the papers in front of us. finally, after a few minutes, she spoke. “It was weird, going back to the Netherlands and talking to your parents. I mean for almost 10 years I had lived in France. Of course I can speak Dutch, but I don’t really like it. I rather speak English or French.”

I nodded. “Same here. Whenever I am home, talking to my friends or skyping with my brother, I am mostly talking English while they are talking Dutch. It’s hard to suddenly talk Dutch when you talk English all the time.”

Rose laughed. “Exactly. I mean, we could talk Dutch, but meh.”

Now it was my turn to smile. “You know, you’re actually a cool girl. When do you return to France again?” I asked Rose. “I actually staying for a while. I really like the city.” Rose said.

I smiled. “London is great. I love it, I am glad I moved her to when I was 18.” I told her.  Rose smiled as well. “I can understand that. You’ve an amazing life here, I think.” She said.

I nodded. “It is pretty amazing, but I am Marcus’ cousin after all. Life is pretty weird, knowing him. He introduced me to his friends, I met Joe, life turned around pretty quickly. Not always for the good, but it was all worth it.” I said smiling.

“Joe, as in Joe Sugg?” Rose asked, her French accent very thick. I chuckled since she wasn’t even really French, she was Dutch like me. “Yes, yes him. I used to be engaged to him.” I said, looking away and feeling a little uncomfortable.

“Wait, you’re the Emma from the videos?” Rose asked. I laughed. “Yes, that’s me.”

Rose stared at me.

“I’ve a feeling your life is much more complicate than you tell me.”

I frowned.

Maybe she was right. 

Consequences {Choices Book Two} {Choices Sequel} {Joe Sugg Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now