Chapter Fifteen Version One

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Chapter 15 version one

{Warning: this story is going to be split in two. This is the first version and there will be a second version. In version one, something happens to Emma and in version two nothing will happen to Emma but she won't be with Joe anymore.}

Emma's POV

I ran and ran, until my legs became sore. I couldn't run anymore. I wondered what was going to happen. I hated him.

I sighed. No I didn't hate him. I loved him. It was something that was never going to change. 

I sighed and sat down. Why was this such a mess?

"Oh my god, Emma!" I didn't even have to look up to know who it was.

"Next time I should tell the hair dresser to shave off all your hair." Her comment made me look up to her surprised.

She chuckled. "You heard me." I stared at her. Did she really just say that? "Don't act as if you're surprised. I wasn't that good in acting." Rose said.

And again, I was speechless. Everyone always left me speechless.

"You really think I wanted to spend time with you? To buy clothes with you? To hear you talk about Joe? Now. He doesn't even believe you're Emma. He thinks I am Emma. He loves me and hates you. I didn't do it right. I wasn't doing it right. I should've come up with this idea sooner. I know everything about you." She said and smiles sweetly.

I still couldn't think about something to say.

My twin sister, she was mean?

"Oh no honey. I'm not just mean. Mean people would apologise and be sorry for what they did. Evil people would laugh at your misery and be happy with the fact that they were the ones to make it happen."

So, rose says she's evil. This is all a dream. When I wake up, I'm Emma Smith. 17 years old and almost 18. With a pushy mother, a dad that is always working, a brother that always wants me to see YouTube videos and one friend. Brianna. This wasn't real. Only my mind would be crazy enough to make up an evil twin sister.

"You're so cute, Emma. I can practically see you flip out in your head. Joe really likes you or should I say, loves me." She said and grinned.

It was all too much. So much. I saw black spots and I felt my breath going faster and faster.

I knew what was happening and I closed my eyes. A panic attack. I had them more and more often.

"Oh my god, Rose are you okay?" Rose's voice had changed dramatically. I was too dizzy to open my eyes and protest.

"I don't know if I should feel sorry for her or not, but this is pathetic." It was Joe. Of course it was Joe.

"Joe. She's my sister. She needs my support right now. Maybe it's best if you go home and I'll make sure Rose gets home as well." I felt a hand gripping my hand painfully tight and it stopped me from saying something. I was just trying to wiggle my hand out of Rose's.

Joe sighed. "Fine, please come back soon Emma?" Rose nodded. "I'll see you soon." With that, Joe left.

Why couldn't I tell Joe that it was Rose instead of me. Or why I was me instead of Rose. You get the point.

Rose helped me up and walked with me, still having a tight grip on my arm.

"I'm going to make this work, even when it's the last thing I do. He's Joe Sugg. The Joe Sugg." She muttered into my ear.

I shivered. She was meaner than anyone I knew. She was doing this because she enjoyed it. I could see it in her eyes.

"Sweetie, you have no idea what you're talking about." Rose said.

I knew this was only the beginning of things.

She brought me home. To my own apartment. Where all the boys where. As soon as I was inside, she sped off.

I looked around. I didn't even know where everyone was. I heard some giggles coming from the living room so I just walked there.

They were all sprawled on the couch. They all looked up when I came in. I had no explanation for this.

"Oh god. Emma, what happened?" Jai asked. It had to be the hair. "Rose happened." I simply said because I couldn't say it differently.

This was all Rose's doing.


This is version one guys!

I want at least 25 votes on this version before I'll update chapter 16

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