Roadhog X Petite/Small Fem Reader |2| - Wolf

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[A/N] This one has a bit of a perspective change so I can set the mood first. Just thought it would spice things up a bit. [A/N]


Roadhog glanced over his shoulder, staring for a second into the dark abyss that was the alley behind him. He was sure something was staring back, or rather someone. He had been sitting here for hours, he was waiting the storm out under the cover of the brick overhang that kept the doorway to an abandoned building dry. The door was rusted shut and really there was no point in trying to open it, it would make too much noise on its own and alert anyone nearby, if there was anyone nearby.

The rain beat down in thick sheets as thunder scarred the sky and rang out, illuminating the gloomy city scape every so often. From where the man sat, he was perched on a tipped over wooden crate just under the brick overhang, he could see down the right side of the street, and he could see cars pass every now and then, a lone street light and a stop sign sat vacant across the street and the gloom of distant buildings and shop windows with mannequins dressed in the late fashion for the season.

Once more he heard the noise. It was quiet, and easy to miss. Having heard it a few times now he was listening for it, waiting almost. It was quiet, and slow, like someone was readjusting their body against the brick walling that enclosed the alley. Once more the man looked over his shoulder and into the darkness. Staring, waiting, searching for whatever was there to shift again, or peek out from its hiding spot. He seen nothing however. No indication anyone was there. He let out a soft sigh and turned away once again, but as he turned he heard the noise once more.

Like the shifting of gravel, the sound lasted longer this time, was louder even. Then there was silence. Roadhog sighed and looked back into the darkness once more and got up, the crate groaning at the release of pressure as he stood. He began walking into the darkness, the cold rain pounded on his skin and made his skin crawl from the temperature change. His feet made a slapping sound as they trudged through the puddles that coated the ground. Soon Roadhog made it to the dumpster on the far end, it was rusted and the lid of it had some sort of grime on it he couldn't bring himself to inspect.

Looking down he found the culprit of the noise, a thin woman, no doubt underweight, she was shorter than most females he knew. Those were few and far between and either worked for overwatch or were dead. The woman's [H/C] hair was pulled into a loose low bun, and she wore a headband, the design on it was hard to make out in the dark. She wore a baggy teeshirt and a pair of ripped stockings under some oversized jean shorts that cropped off at her knees. She was barefoot, and trembled in the looming shadow of the man that stood before her.

~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

I didn't mean to make it known I was there, I was just trying to get relatively comfortable. But the man at the entrance to the alley approached and was now staring down at me through a mask that hid who he was, it was hard to see the features of the mask so I squinted. As I squinted the lightning danced along the clouds again and thunder clashed like símbolos being thrown at a wall, the light from the bolts in the sky illuminated the man just long enough for me to make out the pig shaped gas mask that hid his face, however it was also enough to startle me and cause me to jump back further against the wall that scraped my tender skin the more I pressed into its unforgiving texture.

The man slowly knelt down and held out a hand, causing me to flinch once more. I held myself tight as my eyes flicked nervously between the masked face and the enormous hand that was being held out patiently. I shook my head slightly and whimpered a noise similar to that of a wounded dog. "I-I have no money to give." My voice shook and my eyes welled up. He was going to hurt me, I know he was. What other intention could he have?

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