Bad birthday (Louis)

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“Hi Louis, happy birthday!” Harry said happily.

“Thank you love! Ready for the party?” Louis asked in full excitement.

“Sure I am, are you?” Harry replied

“Of course, well, let's go then.”

“And where exactly is it that we're going?”

“The art club, just here around the corner.

“Yes, yes, oh that one, sounds like fun to me.”

“Sure it is. Do you feel like driving? Because I feel like drinking.”

“Yeah, I'll drive, I wasn't planning on drinking anyway. Alcohol is just not my thing.”

“I know, that's why I'm going to drink for two today.” Louis said with a smile.

“Be careful you! Don't overdo it.” Harry said.

“Yes dad. Are you done being responsible? Because I want to party!”

“Yes, yes, all right, get in the car, let's go have some fun.”

They got into the car and drove to the club. The waiting line wasn't too long, so they were lucky on that. After 10 minutes they were inside.

“What do you want to drink?” Harry asked.

“Oh, just a beer will be fine. Wait, I'll give you some money.” Louis answered.

“No, no, it's your birthday, I pay.”

“Oh, well, thanks a lot love.”
Harry went to order some drinks and came back with a beer for his boyfriend and a cola zero for himself.

“Cheers love, on your birthday!” Harry shouted happily. He kinda had to shout, because the music was very loud.

“Yes, cheers Hazza!” Louis shouted back.

They finished their drink and decided to go on the dance floor. Harry was enjoying himself. Actually he really liked dancing. It was one of his favorite things to do. Louis was enjoying himself too. After a while they got a little tired, so they went back to the bar.

“Want another drink?” Harry asked.

“Yes, well, I'm going for a cola zero too.” He answered.

“Huh? No beer?” Harry asked, a bit confused.

“No, I don't know what kind of beer they have here, but it didn't taste nice. And spirits make me sick, so I'll have a cola zero.”

“All right.”

Harry ordered 2 cola zero's and handed one of them to Louis.

“Thanks Hazza, my love, cheers!”


Louis had finished his cola and had to go to the bathroom.

“I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back.” Louis said.

“Okay, I wait here at the bar.”

“Good. And when I'm back, we're going to dance a little more right?”

“Oh yes, for sure.”

“Okay, see you in a minute.”

“See you.”

Louis went to the bathroom. When he was done he made his way back to Harry. Well, he tried to make his way back. The place was quite crowded now. He was slowly moving between the people, being as careful as possible. Then he feels he hit something with his elbow, his sleeve getting a little bit wet. He turns around and looks behind him, and sees that a glass is laying on the floor, in thousands of pieces.

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