Delusional (Louis)

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Louis had given it his all during the concert, you wouldn't have noticed that anything was wrong, he put every ounce of his energy into it. But the moment the show was over, it became painfully obvious. But the night wasn't over, backstage they had to meet the fans who had bought vip tickets, granting them access to a party with One Direction. But the moment the boys agreed to the party, they hadn't expected sickness to be an issue.

Louis stood awkwardly, sweaty but cold, skin clammy and shaking gently as he pushed through meeting people who he had seen several times before. Some fans were really crazy, they nearly came to every show.

Louis and Harry only stayed for half an hour, that's when Harry suggested to go to their room, having noticed just how pale and lost Louis was looking. Quickly, they squeezed themselves out of the corners they had been pushed into, smiling politely and Harry thanking the fans for whatever present they had gotten him.

It didn't take them long to get to their room, as they stayed in the hotel connecting to the concert arena. They walked in silence, Harry leading the way.

He unlocked the door to the hotel room, holding the door open for Louis and shutting it after him after he passed through. 
Louis stood in the middle of the room and sighed, feeling exhaustion course through him. Harry didn't know how bad it was, he walked up to him and wrapped his arms around him, placing his lips on Louis' neck.

"Hey," he spoke quietly. "You alright?" Harry asked concerned

Louis only murmured in reply, another sigh escaping his mouth.

"Wanna sit down?" Harry smiled against Louis' jacket clad shoulder, reaching over to pull out the chair standing by the wall. "I can give you a private show." Harry said playfully.

There was a drawn of silence as Louis' eyes unfocused and he felt grossly warm. "I don't know, I'm not feeling well-" his balance was off, stumbling even though he stood still and also had his boyfriend's support behind him.

Harry turned Louis around, looking into his eyes with a frown, studying his face. He noticed the glased over eyes, just how pale he was in the dim light and the light sheen of sweat that made his hair seem dead as it clung to his forehead.

"Sit." Harry shoved him into the chair, and Louis felt as if deflating when he let out a heavy breath. Harry leaned over him and a worried expression came over his face. He brushed the hair from Louis' face and covered it with his hand, checking his temperature, but, unsatisfied with how it felt against his already warm hand, slid onto Louis' lap and pressed Louis' forehead to his cheek, now feeling how burning his skin was.

"Jesus, you're boiling," Harry said quietly, sighing as he cupped Louis' face and looked over it again.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.

Louis swallowed, his mouth felt dry and his head clouded, everything felt unreal, except the heavy feeling of Harry on his lap, his hands holding his face gently.

Harry sat back, put his hand on Louis' chest, feeling how warm he was, and quickly slid both hands under his jacket and pushed it off him.

"Is that better?" Harry asked, noting how wet vegards skin was. He made a movement suggesting to get up, but was stopped by Louis' fidgety hands, distressed brown eyes looking around frantically.

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