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*Two Months Later*

*Amanda's POV*

   Things had been going great, really great. I had gotten a job a convenience  store. Chris had started working at a record shop as well as a band. Things were beginng to look up. I had no clue what would happen next.

     "How was work babe?" Chris asked as I walked through the door.

     "Pretty good, I'm just super fuckin tired." I said with a laugh.

      "Well go sit down I'll make dinner tonight." He told me with a smile.

       "Okay." I said nodding as I went to go sit down.

     We were still I the motel room but we didn't have to be there much longer. We had a place, we just had to wait until we could move in.

      "So Amanda, are you happy with the way things turned out." He asked me his eyes shining with genuine curiosity.

      "Yeah I am, leaving home with you was the best choice I ever made." I told him unable to help the smile that formed in my face as he brought over our food.

      "Just think, this time next week you and I will be in our own place." Chris said with a smile.

      "Yeah, that will be nice." I said smiling looking off into the distance.

*Julia Fenton's POV*

   Miss Mills had come over to see my mother. They had always been good friends. This time they had invited me to join them for tea. I was a little surprised, that normally never happened.

     "So Julia, have you talked to Amanda?" My mother asked.

     "No I haven't heard from her since before she left." I said with a fake sigh, I had to make them believe I didn't know the truth.

     "Well Nancy, I'm thinking that I just may go join my husband now because it doesn't seem like Amanda is coming back. I just hope where ever she is that she's safe." Miss Mills said with a distant look in her eyes.

      "She'll be fine Kristin you raised a strong daughter." My mom told her. Miss Mills didn't look too convinced.

      "Miss Mills, she'll be jusy fine. Not only is what my mom said true but she's also with Chris and I know for a fact that he wouldn't let any one or anything hurt her." I told Miss Mills with a smile. I was hoping she would trust what my mom and I had to say.

     Miss Mills didn't say another word she just left. My mom and I stared at each other in confusion.

     "I wonder what that was about?" I asked half out loud half to myself.

     "I don't know Julia. Kristin hasn't been herself since Amanda ran off." My mom said almost absentmindedly.

     "Mom can I tell you something?" I asked her. I needed to tell someone because keeping this secret about where Amanda was, it was eating me alive.

     "You can tell me anything Julia." She said a concerned look on her face.

      "Mom the truth is I do know where Amanda went she just made me promise not to tell anyone, especially Miss Mills." I said biting my lip as I looked down.

      "I kinda figured you knew, don't worry I won't tell Kristin you know. This isn't our place to be getting  any way." My mother told me before giving me a hug.

*Amanda's POV*

    After we ate Chris and I say watching whatever crappy T.V. the motel had to offer. I was finally happy and not to mention my 18th birthday was getting close and closer. I was so excited  cause this would be the first birthday that I was truly happy.

     "So Amanda, what do you wanna do for your birthday?" Chris asked.

      "Nothing special can we just stay in and have a movie day with some pizza or something?" I asked smiling as I looked at him.

       "Of course we can." He said with a smile. I thought that life couldn't get much better. I felt like I had everything I wanted and needed. I sometimes did think about my mom but I knew I wouldn't call her until i was 18. That was just the best way to insure that nothing messed this little alive of heaven up for me.

     Before long I started dozing off, my head lying on Chris's shoulder. I was so tired from work that day and so at peace with they way my life was going.

     "Are you tired babe?" Chris asked as he gave a smile that reached all the way to his blue eyes.

    "Yeah." I said in a barely audible whisper. I was so tired yet I wanted to stay awake even though I knew that wouldn't happen. Chris stood up grabbing my hand and taking me with him. We walked over to the bed and laid down. I laid with my head on his chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat. In that moment I never wanted it to end, if I could've stayed like that forever I would've.

    "Good night Chris." I said softly before closing my eyes.

     "Night Amanda." He said kissing the top of my head gently before we fell asleep.

*       *       *

   When we woke up there was a few rays of early morning sun coming through the window and gently warning the room. This kind of peace was something I had never experienced back home. Living with my parents was always a bunch of fighting and a bunch of tension.

    I sat up gently so I wouldn't disturb Chris while he slept. He looked even more peaceful than me when I slept. I got up and went to the very small trade of a kitchen and decided to make some coffee. When the coffee pot went off Chris woke up. I looked over and smiled at him as I got us both a cup of coffee.

    "Morning Baby, how did you sleep?" I asked him smiling slightly.

    "Good, and what about you beautfiul?" He asked me.

     "Perfectly fine." I said smiling a toothy grin. Things with him were just what I needed somethin new and exciting. It felt so right now that we were together.

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