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Hoseok was walking on the piles of trash with difficulty. At times he would stumble and even fall but he would still get up. Hoseok was in good condition because he was just made. His hair was so real and his clothes were really cheap. His face also didn't have much scratches. Hoseok made little robot noises as his joints move left to right or up to down.

Hoseok didn't know where he was because he was only brought to life recently. He didn't get a chance to thank his owner but he did know that his owner was a male. When his ears were the only thing that worked, he heard a voice that belonged to a male. Hoseok felt emotion therefore, he felt sad. Hoseok felt like he didn't belong. But he knew that he had to find his owner to fill in the hole in his heart.

Hoseok was finding his way out of the big space of dump until he spotted... cars? Hoseok didn't quite understand what the moving vehicles were but he still walked toward them.

Hoseok reached a long walking space. He saw very little people walking. Most of which were people with wrinkles on there face. Their back were also hunched forward... They were old people? The weather was somewhat nice to walk so why weren't there more people enjoying the hot summer sun? Hoseok, without thinking, set foot on the street with busy moving vehicles. The big vehicles were honking at him but he didn't know what they were telling him. Hoseok made it to the middle of the road until someone pulled him to the side.

"Are you insane?!" The guy yelled at Hoseok. Hoseok still didn't understand the situation so he stayed silent. "Are you trying to die?!" The man continued to yell at him.

"Please... stop," Hoseok said quietly. He closed his eyes to not see the scary man in front of him.

"Oh? Oh, I'm so sorry. I got to carried away," the man softly patted Hoseok's back in comfort. That was until his stopped talking and he felt something cold on the palm of his hands.

"What are you hiding?"

Hoseok made little robot noises while opening his eyes again. Everything was silent except for the vehicles moving on the road.

"I asked you a question," the man then held onto Hoseok's should and he stared Hoseok down. Hoseok saw a cold soul in the mans eyes. He was scared but he didn't know what to do.
Without a hint, the man pushed Hoseok down to the floor.

"You're so useless! You can't even answer a simple question," the man yelled at Hoseok and he walked away. The man acted rudely. He wasn't a first impression for the human race. Hoseok then knew that he couldn't trust anyone. If he did then he would face great consequences. Just look at the set examples; his owner, a human, abandoned him, and a male human assaulted him. It'll only get worse.

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