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It's been a couple of days and Seokjin was taken out of the hospital. The two males walked home as they expected Yoongi and Hoseok to be there.

Namjoon used his keys to get through the door. He assumed that Yoongi and Hoseok was asleep and they would be too tired to answer the door. He had a smile on his face knowing that the two were finally home, away from the hospital.

"We're home!" Seokjin yelled in excitement. He waited for a couple of seconds for a response but he heard nothing. He grew a little worried.

"Yoongi! Hoseok! We're home!" Seokjin yelled clearly so they could hear him. He was also a little louder.

Seokjin grew impatient so he went to their shared bedroom. He went a rush because it was unusual for Yoongi to not celebrate the coming back home of one of the members of the friend group.

Seokjin opened the door and there was no sign of human or robot inside. He searched the entire room but there was nothing. Seokjin ran to the kitchen where Namjoon was in a panic.

"Namjoon, they aren't in their room!" Seokjin at the younger with clear panic in his voice. Namjoon put down the glass of water he had in his right hand with his smile turning upside down.

"Did you try texting him?" Namjoon asked as he took his phone and checked for any text from Yoongi that he could've missed. Seokjin did the same.

"Maybe he's out with Hoseok?" Namjoon said in a little hurry. Yoongi doesn't spend much time in Namjoon's because they feels as if you're stealing Namjoon's money somehow. By not paying half the rent for staying there.

"But where could he be?" Seokjin sat down on a chair with a worried expression on his face. He was thinking as to where Yoongi could've went. Heck, Yoongi could be on a train leading out of town.

Seokjin shot off his chair and he texted the others where Yoongi could've went. He texted almost everyone in his contacts list.


Jimin phone was bombarded with many text messages from the one and only Seokjin. He tried reading them in peace but he just keeps getting new ones. Jimin then decided to call the older instead. B: Jimin | B: Seokjin


Jimin! Do you know where Yoongi and Hoseok are?

Uhhh... Maybe? Yoongi came over to try and avoid Taehyung.

What? Is he crazy?!

That's what I said!

Jimin, put Yoongi on the phone.

No can do sir. Yoongi is no longer here.

Where is he then?!

I'm not sure. He just left in a hurry this morning.

Thanks for the help. I already found Yoongi.

Hey! I didn't want to get in Yoongi's way! He might've went away for a really important reason!

He left so Taehyung wouldn't find him! That's so stupid! Taehyung can track down Hoseok when ever he wants.

What do you mean?

I mean, Taehyung has the ability to know where Hoseok is at all times. Since he's the owner, he is the only one with that ability.

How do you know this?

I have been studying about robots all my schooling career. I have taken robotic classes and even engineering classes in high school and college.

How come you only work at a coffee shop?

Don't get me started.

Haha okay! Well, anyway, I need to go now! Jungkook and I need our breakfast!

That's it? You're going to leave me empty handed?

Yes. Bye!


Yoongi was careful to not leave Hoseok alone. He was temped to close his eyes for a minute to catch up with his sleep but he knew he couldn't. He would not pay attention to Hoseok for a couple of minutes because he was so tired but he knew that what he was doing could cause big trouble.

"I'm sorry I'm causing so much trouble," Hoseok spoke in a little voice. His little robot noises woke Yoongi up from his little slumber. Yoongi realized what his robot said and he made sure to get that idea out of the robots head.

"It's okay, Hoseok. I'm happy doing this for you," Yoongi hugged the cold robot. Hoseok wore long thick sleeved shirts now because he realized how cold his skin was. He was embarrassed now because of it and he just wished it could be normal so he wouldn't feel self conscious every time someone hugs him.

"You are tired. I am a robot that does not feel. I wouldn't feel anything that you are feeling and it scares me," Hoseok frowned. He held Yoongi close to him. That was when he realized that Yoongi had fell asleep on his shoulder.

Hoseok snuggled his face on Yoongi's shoulder. He was alone. He was scared. He didn't know what to do in such a situation. He wanted to get help but that would just end up in someone bashing him for not being real. He wanted to get up and buy a soft, warm blanket for Yoongi but he didn't want to leave him alone in the cold. He wanted to go home but he knew that that would be dangerous considering their situation at the moment. He felt like crying. He wanted to scream from all the stress. But all of those were impossible for a robot.

It's been a couple of minutes and they were still in the same position. Yoongi's little snores could be heard now and it almost made Hoseok smile.

It was currently cold. The two were on a bench, waiting for the bus. No one were there, which was good. During the wait, Yoongi could catch up with sleep and Hoseok could watch over him. It was now his turn to make sure that Yoongi was safe and peaceful. Yoongi has always made Hoseok feel safe and it made Hoseok feel extremely happy even though he was basically killing him back then but now he is extra careful. And it makes Hoseok's world lighten up a bit more.

The empty space around them made Hoseok recall memories. He somehow remembered this one moment.

Taehyung walked slowly to the bus stop. He had no idea what he had to do to get in the bus. He didn't know if he had to pay or the time the bus comes. He was afraid of waiting for a long time with no avail.

Taehyung sat down on the bench waiting for the bus with his back pack on his back. He patiently waiting for his transportation.

Taehyung missed the original school bus that he was supposed to take to go to school. His mother suggested to take the public bus because she was busy getting ready for her shift and his father was in his last hours of work. His older brother left really early for his work. So no one could take him.

Taehyung waited a while more. He was getting scared and alone. He was cold. He just wanted to go home and call in sick. But he never missed a day of school and he didn't want to break that record.

The bus eventually came and they picked Taehyung up. He felt relieved after he stepped out of the bus and he saw his school in front of him. It's nothing for other people but at that moment he knew that his life changed for a bigger part. 

Hoseok looked around and he saw a sign next to the bench that the two were on. He looked at the sign from where he was. He tried to read what it said. It said that the bus would come every thirty minutes.

7:08 AM

Hoseok sighed. It would be a long time before they could get in a moving vehicle. Hoseok laid his head, gently onto Yoongi's head. He starred out into space, knowing that you'll be here for twenty more minutes is a big let down. But that just means that Yoongi could rest for twenty more minutes before that take off. And that made Hoseok smile and close his eyes slowly.

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