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"Mrs Min, please, I am begging you, please bring Hoseok here," Namjoon begged. He didn't use Yoongi name because he wanted to give Yoongi respect. Yoongi didn't say anything. Namjoon lowered his head without saying anything else. He felt his tears beginning.

Yoongi felt no empathy for the younger. Namjoon glanced at the older at moments but he didn't say anything.

Seokjin was kept in jail cell in the mean time before the judge made his final design. He gave the group two days to bring the robot to court and if they fail, Seokjin will get 5 years of jail time.

Seokjin was in his cell while sobbing. The guard rolled his eyes at moments while hearing the male crying in the cell. Seokjin used his hands to wipe away any tears but they kept coming.

"P-please," Seokjin whispered to himself. He knew how hard it was for Yoongi but he needed to think about others as well. He needed to bring the robot to reduce the jail time for Seokjin. He hated being near dangerous people, but then again, it's he one? Seokjin couldn't answer his own questions.

Seokjin heard a door open. His head popped up to see who was visiting him and it was the only one, Kim Namjoon. Seokjin stood up from his seat and held onto the bars with hope. Namjoon had his head low.

His lips were quivering as his eyes were glossy. Seokjin's smile turned into a frown while still holding onto the metal bars. Seokjin once again sat down with no trace of hope.

"He didn't want to."


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