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"Taehyung's calling—!" Jimin shouted as he gave the phone to Yoongi. Yoongi panicked as he brought the phone to his right ear.

"What do you want?!" Yoongi shouted at the phone so Taehyung could hear him.

"I just want peace. I wanted to call you to give you Hoseok's pin number," Taehyung calmly said through the device. Yoongi calmed down but he was still a bit panicked.

"What pin number?"

"All robots have pin numbers so when the owner loses them they can use that number to track down the robot," Taehyung explained to Yoongi. Yoongi looked at Hoseok who was on the bed with his eyes closed.

"What's his number?" Yoongi asked as he told Jimin to get him a piece of paper so he could write down the number given.

"21839. Please don't forget this as I won't be able to contact you any longer," Taehyung said in a bit of a hurry. Yoongi looked concerned for both Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Wait, where are you going?" Yoongi asked before they disconnected lines.

"That's not important right now. Please don't harm Hoseok in any way. He's a robot with feelings so please don't offend him in any way. Hoseok also has some sort of memory in the back of his brain you just need to trigger it. And please promise me that you'll teach Hoseok as much English as possible, okay?" Taehyung said with some emotion in his voice. At times you could hear him almost about to cry but he holds it in.

"Taehyung, what's going on?"

"I have programed Hoseok to know my childhood so when he needs to tell a story from back then he would talk about me," Taehyung continued, "if Hoseok ever said anything about slowing down in a car ride then that means that I was so dumb as a teenager that I drank as an underage person," he continued to where you could hear him cry now, "and if he ever talks about loving someone..." Taehyung paused, "then that means that he's feeing lonely in this cruel world."

There was a long pause from both lines. Yoongi was speechless at what Taehyung said. He stole glances of Hoseok as Taehyung explained all the things that Hoseok does or makes.

"Taehyung, why are you telling me this?" Yoongi asked lastly.

"Because I know that Hoseok doesn't belong to a horrible human being like me."

"But you made him."

"And I abandoned him."

"I didn't give him a proper heart," Taehyung listed.

"I keep regretting my actions regarding Hoseok."

"I lost him once."

"I made him lose all his hair."

"I used him."

"I kept forcing him to come with me when clearly he doesn't trust me anymore."

"It's clear that I'm a bad person to even be around with," Taehyung continued, "Yoongi, I trust you with him."

"All those things were horrible but we wouldn't even be talking right now if it weren't for you making Hoseok in the first place," Yoongi was now more worried about Taehyung than Hoseok. Because he didn't know what Taehyung was doing or planning to do at the time that they were having that call. He did know that Hoseok was safe under the same household as Yoongi.

"And what else? That's it!" Taehyung yelled. He was frustrated with the same pro that Yoongi says. There is nothing else that he did for Hoseok that was good. Absolutely nothing.

"Taehyung! You have no idea how ginormous that reason for you to be happy is! All of this happened because it was all your fault! You build Hoseok! If you didn't, Hoseok wouldn't even be here!" Yoongi continued, "Hoseok wouldn't have been able to tell your story and he wouldn't been able to feel love if you hadn't created him! This is all happening because of you!"

"There is no need to rub it all in my face!"

"But if I didn't you wouldn't understand how important you are to this whole plot line! Hoseok's entire story would be all fake if you weren't here."

"Hoseok's story is my story! Not his! You don't understand!"

"I understand what I do understand. And right now I just know that you are not the bad guy."

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