Part one

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Let's start with connecting I Need You and run together, using the idea of Jin being dead.

I need you stuff

Taehyung thinks it's time to face his father but sees him abusing his sister, so all his pent up emotions explode in rage, leading him to kill his father. After trying to clean himself and basically breaking down, he calls Jin's number and pleads to see him in sorrow.

J-Hope can't take anymore, and decides to try and join Jin, overdosing and walking in order to try and die.

Suga also takes this route, setting his room on fire after long contemplation of what to do. However, this is in his mind, and he does not actually do it. The man that he shakes hands with in Fire that catches on fire may represent that... But I'm not sure. (Better explained in the First Love meaning portion later on.)

Jimin, refusing to believe that Jin is gone, burns the photo that has evidence that Jin wasn't actually there with them at the beach. Then, he tries to drown himself.

Jungkook is lost in thought, walking without purpose. He accidentally bumps into two guys and doesn't even notice, so lost in his mind. Then he proceeds to get beat up.

RapMon tries to continue his life normally, continuing his job and trying to move on. But then a rude customer wakes him up from this, and he decides to not care anymore.

K. Now for some run shit.

Then they group gets together and do outrageous things in memory of their lost friend, acting as though he is still with them. Hence why in the pictures of all of them that any member but Jin looks at, Jin is missing.

In Run, when the Jin's house of cards falls, he looks up in realization that something is off.

In the hospital, Jimin and J-Hope see each other and think the same thing, "Him too". They bond over the fact that they weren't the only ones ready to die to be with Jin again.

In the pillow fighting scene, Jin is missing.

Jungkook is realizing that they need to move on, and that Jin is watching over them, but wishes that they wouldn't ruin their lives for him.

Jungkook tries to tell Suga, but he refuses to listen. He hears him, and knows the truth, but can't accept, going on a rage. Jin rests against the wall looking seriously out of it, and seems very lost in thought.

In the following scenes of the gang just being together, Jin is missing in nearly all of them, or he is much further ahead and the boys seem to be chasing him.

In the scene where they are all laying on the ground, Jin is the only one up and looking at the sky.

After that they boys rampage against a bunch of parked cars. Jin is in the car simply watching. Once people begin getting out of there cars the boys start running away and the car starts driving.

Jin is still in the car, the other six chasing the car, but when they catch it and get in only Jimin, Suga, Taehyung, Suga, and J-Hope are in the back, so it's safe to assume that RapMon is driving.

We never see who is actually driving though.

In the bathroom scene, Jin grabs Jimin and throws him into the bathtub. The bathroom is almost identical to the one that Jimin had been in before, so it was like Jimin was "in the water because of Jin's death."

When Jungkook turns back, it's like he is acknowledging that Jin is watching over them (Jin is "driving the car" as like before when he was watching).

During the final scene, a picture is taken of everyone on the beach, but when it develops, Jimin is staring at it and Jin is missing. Referencing what I said before about him not wanting to believe it, thus burning the picture and going straight back into this fantasy that Jin is still with them.

So that's that portion. Next is gonna be the wings album.. because who doesn't go nuts trying to figure that shot out am I right? -_-

Anyways, till next time.


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