The Arek Themselves

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Okay, I am the one who is going to tell you about our current situation, where to begin? Oh, yeah, how about this? The following is a basic summarization of the notable specific advantages we possess as Arek. The Arek hail from the planet Aikross, which is situated in, well, that is top secret. The most commonly known fact about us is that we are one of the two dominant species in the Rikila Galaxy. Huh, that sounds professional.

We are hominids, that much is obvious upon inspection, Arek possess highly abnormal features for our genus. We feature lightweight interlocking epidermal plates highly resistant to blunt force trauma and contact with sharp objects. The plates cover the forehead, around our eye sockets, jaw, neck, the entirety of our back and upper torso, ribcage, most of the pelvic area except for the groin region, for obvious reasons. The entirety of our legs, fingers, and arms are covered, except for the palms of our hands.

On the visual aspect our eyesight is legendary, there are many tales of us accomplishing feats that would be impossible for beings with lesser vision. We can make our eyes go telescopic and colorblind at will, allowing us to discern from some camouflaged infantry and see aircraft and infantry deployments from extreme distances, who needs a telescope? To top it off, we possess acute nightvision that allows us to see in near absolute darkness.

There are several reasons why the Arek have become dominant in the Rikila galaxy, the two greatest reasons are because of the superior intelligence and tenacity we possess, complex problems are solved faster and more efficiently upon confrontation, along with making the rate of technological progression faster. Two, we possess a never before seen ability to wield draeseos within our bodies, a structure within the torso known as a Unimatrix stores the draeseos safely and allows it to be released in ways that bend the laws of the universe (in varying degrees) to our will.

Not all unimatrixes are created equal though, there are four classes in the Unimatrix superiority scale, from weakest to strongest they are Oderin, Ciediera, Harzenan, and Necrai, the latter only occurring, well, that is classified. Our ability to bend the laws of the universe to our will is a power that has saved the Rikila Galaxy from, and allowed us to push back (with the assistance of others) the ever encroaching Chadumune Dominion. Indeed, should Aikross fall, every native species of Rikila shall be wiped out by the invading horde.

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