Chapter 10

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*Note - there's some....inappropriate coupledom things going down in this chapter, this is your warning ;) *

"Miraculus LadyBug!" The polka dotted heroine summoned, tossing a large umbrella into the frosty night air. The Eiffel Tower was yet again restored along with burning buildings and cars leading up to the previously decimated landmark.   All was right again in Paris, except within the group of miraculous superheroes.

"What was that all about?!?!  I had her! Stay out of my way next time!"  Queen Bee accused of Rena Rouge, landing in front of her with an obtrusive finger pointed her way. 
"Are you blind? You did NOT have anyone. You were too slow, taking your sweet time trying to aim and shoot!  And I am not beneath breaking your fingers if you don't remove them from my face," the red fox barked back, her velvety ears dropping angrily.

"Now now ladies, not this again....,"Chat Noir attempted to intervene, but was quickly pushed aside.  Having dealt with the two bickering all week long and stumbling over each other during a battle, Ladybug could take it no longer.

"Enough you two!"  Ladybug snapped, pushing her way in between the quarreling heroines. "We are all part of the team, whether you like it or not.  You BOTH have to find a way to work together."

A contrite Rena nodded, and with a long sigh offered a quiet apology to the miffed blonde.  Surprisingly, Queen bee softened a bit in response as well, providing a murmured apology back.  The past month was rocky for the superhero quartet; the group struggled in learning how to work in concert with each other's abilities, which proved to be both a complicated and taxing task thus far.  Ladybug took on the charge of team leader, a role she fit into very well.  Her coordination, delegating, and critical thinking skills often redeemed victory for the group during an akuma battle, where their in-fighting would have otherwise lead to their defeat.

Warning beeps erupted simultaneously from all three of the female heroine's miraculous totems, as they each had employed their more powerful attacks earlier that evening.  Once the fox and bee departed, Ladybug couldn't help but allow a sudden fit of both coughing and sneezing take her over. Waiting until the two heroines we're out of sight, Chat approached the sneezing bluenette, resting his cheek to on her forehead.

"Yeowch! You are burning up, princess. We need to get you back home for some rest."

"I'm fine Cha.....achoo!"

Marinette had been fighting a nasty cold the past few days, and the sleep she missed all week in order to finish her admissions portfolio was making her especially drowsy and dizzy right now. 

"Come, I'll escort you home," Chat offered, fusing his batons together to use his long staff.

Too tired to protest, Ladybug simply delivered a weary smile to the worried black cat and followed the vaulting feline towards home. As soon as they landed on her rooftop patio, the red and black costume dissipated away, leaving behind a wiped out Tikki and the red-nosed, exhausted Marinette, clad in a thin crop tee and loose pajama shorts.  The winter night air was crisp and bitterly cold, causing the bluenette to shiver immediately. Marinette's eyes became very heavy, and all she wanted to focus on was getting inside and climbing into her warm bed.

The rooftop was quite slippery with ice patches, and sure enough Marinette lost her footing while heading over to her latch window. The blonde feline quickly caught her, then hoisted her into his arms.  His green eyes gazed down at Marinette, who snuggled into his warm chest and immediately began to doze off. My poor princess, she must have been wiped out, he thought.

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