Rough start, Good Ending.

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I felt so bad for my little girl. I had to pick her up and take her to the car because she couldn't walk. I knew she needed it but it was so hard. I strapped Emily in her car seat and I got into the front seat and drove off. About 5 minutes into the car ride Emily fell asleep. She looked so peaceful. Like she wasn't even in pain, even thought I knew she was. We got home in a matter of 12 minutes exactly.

"Hey Em baby wake up. Were home" I whispered while I rubbed her leg from the front seat
She squinted her eyes like she had been asleep for hours.

"mommy we go inside?" She said still groggy

I wiped her tangled hair out of her face.

"Yes princess I'll come get you." I said getting out the car

I got her inside and carried her into the bathroom. I placed Emily on the counter and started the cold water until it turned warm. Not to hot and not to cold. I took Emily's clothes off and picked her up and placed her in the bathtub. That's when I saw her. Bruises, some old some recent, scrapes, and all in between. I guess I was to tired to notice when Emily had the bad dream. I snapped out of it and grabbed some shampoo and rubbed it through Emily's hair while she played with her favorite toy, My little Pony. I washed her hair and started on the conditioner. I then washed that out of her hair and washed her body not wanting to touch her bruises. She winced when I rubbed them.

I got her out of the tub and drained the dirty water. I put a towel around her tiny little body and went to get some PJ's. I was rummaging through her PJ's trying to find the right bottoms for the shirt, when I herd a loud THUMP. I ran to Emily where her butt was planted on the floor.

"Em what's wrong?" I said chuckling

"Me fell!" She said in frustration

That's when I noticed that there was water all over the floor.

"Oh. I'm sorry baby that was my fault!" I said nervously. She just got right up, took her PJ's and changed all by herself. She had some attitude in that little body of hers.

I brushed her hair and put in a fishtail. Her hair was long, curly, And blond. Even when it was wet. I loved it so much.

I looked at the clock and it was already 8:00! What?! How?!

I picked Em up and put her in her bed.

"I love you!" I said and tickled her

"No mommy stop!" She said laughing

"Ok ok!" I said still laughing. I headed towards the door and shut off the light.

"Good night Emily. I love you." I said quietly

"I love you to"


Field trip today yahhhhhh!

I have nothing else to say lol

Stay strong guys!

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