13 | The Thirteenth Chapter

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The Thirteenth Chapter - The Bad Boy Knows How To Cry.




"So, what you're saying is that you two got over your lover's quarrel and will be married... sorry, what was the date of the wedding, again?"

I scoffed at Jack's antics and tried my best not to show my blush as I leaned further back in the booth. It was Saturday, and we'd been in here since three o'clock. The sun was gaining on the horizon the more we lazed around at Danny's, but neither of us had any intention of leaving until the café was closed, which was still another hour.

"We're not lovers, we were not quarrelling and we are not getting married," I huffed out, pouting as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Come on, Jack. Whose side are you on?"

"You mean, you're making me choose between my childhood best friend and the gorgeous girl sitting in front of me?"

"Don't be a dick," I grumbled, but couldn't hide the little smirk that made its way to twisting my lips when I heard the word 'gorgeous'.

"It's called being bright, River," Jack drawled. "Looks like you might need polish up to know what that's like."

"Jack!" I exclaimed, whacking him across the table as he let out a hearty laugh at my expense. I just shook my head in mock hurt and pouted.

"Aw, I'm sorry," he teased, shooting me a playful look. "I was just mucking around. For the record, I don't think you're dull."

I opened my mouth to thank him.

"I'd call it more of a bludgey grey," he finished, leaning back in satisfaction. I closed my mouth and scowled at him.

"Jackass," I muttered, but this only made him laugh harder.

When I realised my mistake, I started laughing too.

"You know," Jack announced once we'd collapsed back in our soft seats. I looked up for him to continue. "You sure are good at changing the subject. Weren't we talking about the 'twenty' to your 'one'?"

I frowned. "The twenty to my-?"

"The 'Kim' to your 'Ron'?"


"The 'cheese' to your 'macaroni and'?"

I sighed.

"The 'peanut butter' to your 'pickle sandwich'?"

"Okay, now that one-"

"Try it," he interrupted, a knowing look on his face. "It's beautiful."

I stared at him. "But pickles-"

"I know," he nodded, closing his eyes appreciatively.

"And peanut butter-?"

"Heaven in a sandwich."

I scowled. "Totally beside the point," I muttered. "Me and Tyler are not a thing. We will not ever be 'pickles' and 'peanut butter' because, first of all? Ew. Gross. And second of all?" I hesitated. "Crap. I forgot. Okay, just the first one."

"Are you saying that because you don't like my sandwich or you don't like him?" Jack inquired, to which I glared at him.

"Both!" I hissed. "And don't go saying anything, because we've just become civil now. If you ruin that..."

"Oh, so you couldn't live without him?" Jack pressed, eyes wide. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming.

"Forget it," I sighed finally, scowling. "You're too intent on being an idiot."

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