25 | The Twenty Fifth Chapter

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The Twenty Fifth Chapter - The Truth.





I raced out the front door, watching the four guys – Noah included – make a run for it from our house. I was fuming; I don't think I'd been this furious in a long, long time. He had come into my home, where my family lives, and threatened River right under my nose.

I let out a heavy breath of air as the boys disappeared at the end of the road, and moved to go back inside the house. What the fuck was Noah thinking? Was he trying to prove a point that he was tough enough to punch a girl whenever he wanted? And why did he go after River?

"Will, where the fuck-"

"Save it, Tyler," River interrupted me. I turned to her quickly, surprised, and my eyes softened upon seeing the pain she was so clearly in. I just wish I could've protected her. "You weren't there either; you can't blame it on Will."

"But he was with you, and he left you!" I snapped, shooting a glare at my brother. "This shit wouldn't have happened if I were there!"

"But you weren't!" she shot back, and seemed to flinch at the pain raising her voice brought her. "Besides, he wasn't looking for Will; he was looking for you."

I blinked, hesitating for a moment. "Noah-" I began, then hesitated again. He came for me? He asked for me, specifically? "You mean, this happened because he was looking for me?"

She nodded, almost looking worried, and I stood very still for a moment or two. Then, without saying another word, I turned and stormed out of the house, the door slamming behind me. I got in my car, steam almost emerging from both my ears from the anger I felt. River was hurt because Noah had come for her; he hurt her, to get to me. Which meant he knew exactly who he was looking for.

It didn't take me long to find where Noah was hiding out. It was an old abandoned warehouse down in the city, tucked away between buildings. No one knew it was here.

"Noah fucking Price," I shouted after getting out of my car and stalking through the entrance. Many faces turned to look at me, full of surprise and confusion at the fury in my voice as I called for Noah.

He walked out one of the rooms at the end of the corridor, arms folded protectively over his chest to make him appear tough.

"Tyler, nice party," he called to me. I slowed to a stop about 10 metres away from him as a couple of the guys who had accompanied him to my place came to stand beside him. They couldn't do anything to touch me, and they knew it. "Who was that girl you were with? She's quite pretty."

"Stay the fuck away from her, do you hear me?" I growled back at him, my fists clenching at my sides. "What the fuck was that about?"

"Sending a message."

His reply was simple. Too simple. My eyes narrowed.

"To who, me?" I called. "I told you Lena wasn't my fault. I thought we were over this, Noah."

"It wasn't about Lena," Noah hissed, the look of amusement suddenly gone from his face. "Although I won't say you didn't have it coming for that."

"If it wasn't about Lena then who was it about?"

"Never you mind. It worked out both ways for us; we needed a way to show we aren't messing around, and we needed to lure you here. You know who she is to us, Tyler. That's why you're protecting her. But you can't protect her forever. Sooner or later, if we don't get what we want out of her, you standing in the way is just going to get yourself killed too."

"What do you want from her?" I demanded. "She has nothing to do with any of this! It's clearly me you have a problem with; she doesn't know anything!"

"I beg to differ," Noah replied, a sly smile tugging at one corner of his mouth, quickly enough I almost missed it.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Noah shrugged. "Oh, nothing," he sang innocently. "Your pretty little girlfriend might not be as innocent as you think, that's all. Did she tell you why we're coming after her and her brother?"

I stood there, silent. Noah tilted his head to one side.

"No? Hm. Interesting."

"Don't make me bring my father into this, Noah," I growled. Noah barked a laugh in response.

"Why do you think he's asked you to cosy up to her, Tyler? Are you really that stupid that you have no idea what's going on?"

"Then fucking tell me!" I shouted, glaring daggers down the hall at him.

"You asked for it," he spat, all humour gone from his voice to be replaced by a thick coat of hatred. "Her dickhead, halfwit father owes yours money for a few games a couple months back he bet and lost on. He went M I A until his head popped up with his wife and two kids. We dealt with the girls but the brother stayed with their deadbeat father. We can't threaten him for the money, because it turns out he doesn't give two fucks about his kids, so... we've been trying to get at the brother. If he knows where to get the money, he'll turn it over soon."

"So my dad has been threatening her to get her brother to pay up?" I shot back, staring at him. "How fucking stupid is he? There is no way her father has that money stashed anywhere! He went into hiding for a reason!" I groaned, rubbing my forehead exasperatedly as I felt a headache coming on. "I can't believe dad would do this," I muttered under my breath. "So he's been lying to me this whole time? To me, to Adrianna, to Will?"

"He knew you wouldn't agree," Noah confirmed. "Look; I didn't do this because I hate you. I hate you anyway, but this wasn't personal. If you have a problem with what went down tonight, maybe you should be having a word with your dad."

"Oh, believe me, I will be," I muttered, turning to walk away. "Stay away from River," I added over my shoulder as I turned a corner and left them alone. I knew he was here; my father wasn't the kind of guy to hang around home much, especially because of what he did for a living. I knew the reason he left in the first place was because of mum. Well, I thought that was the reason. If I was wrong about that, what else was he lying to me about?

And was I ready to learn the truth?




Some information revealed! I enjoyed this chapter; it sheds a bit of light on the situation surrounding Noah's introduction, as well as where Tyler's head is at the moment. I did say it would be a small chapter again; I originally wrote it a lot longer, but I cut the second scene because I thought it gave away too much important info too early in the story. I will be slotting it in later in the plot, but for now, I hope you are enjoying where it's at so far!

What is your impression of  Noah so far??

Keep reading! x

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