7. gathering courage

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Seb had been a mess for three days straight. He was thrown between despair and bliss, all because of a few stray messages here and there. No more phone calls, no more talking. Yesterday his need for Kaiden became so strong that he went to the café after school. He even braved to go inside, but to his dismay, Kaiden wasn't there. 

The only person who had helped him stay sane was Tyra. She had been utterly amazing. He was sure Dylan would have helped him too, if not for the fact that Dylan was completely focused on Zach. If Seb hadn't been crushing on Kaiden, he would have found it odd, but now he understood. So instead of shooting Dylan angry stares, he had tried to be as nice as he could. He was sure Dylan wouldn't abandon them completely. 

Now, Tyra, she had made sure he didn't go insane while waiting for Kaiden to respond to messages. She also prevented him from sending a couple; telling him that he shouldn't invest too much before he knew that Kaiden was interested. Of course, Seb agreed, but it was still increasingly harder to follow her advice. 

Tyra sat next to him, munching on her salad. It was Friday, and the lunch room was filled with excited teenagers. They were buzzing with gossip and rumors about parties. Apparently there would be a big one tomorrow, but Seb wasn't particularly interested. 

"You're awfully silent today, boo," Tyra said, before biting into a cherry tomato. He blushed and looked away. She already knew why he was silent, but obviously she wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"What movie are you gonna watch?" she asked. 

"I dunno," Seb replied. His voice barely carried. He was so nervous that he had a hard time thinking; eating was out of the question. Tyra sent him a wry smile. 

"Don't be nervous, I'm sure you'll have a great time. Just don't let him into your pants." 

If Seb's mouth hadn't been empty, he would have coughed out food all over the table. He looked up at her, mortified. 

"I'm just kidding, Seb. Don't worry!" 

She was laughing at him, loud and clear, and it did nothing to settle him down. 

"Not funny!"

"Oh, you're so cute when you're pouting!" she cried, and giggled some more. 

"You're a lousy friend, Tyra," he bit back, but for some reason he couldn't be angry with her. 

"Am not!" she said, and pinched his cheek.

"Tyra!" he whined. 

"Oh, come on! I have to pinch someone's cheek. Might as well be yours."

"Don't think so..." he threatened. 

"Aww, that pout again," she cooed, and pinched him a second time. 

Two plates landed on the table, and Seb looked up. Dylan and Zach. Seb was still a bit uncertain around Zach, but right now he was happy they were here to save him from Tyra. 

"Tyra, you're harassing my friend," Dylan said, and placed a protective arm around Seb's shoulders.

"Am not!" Tyra retorted. 

"You are!" Seb replied, feeling much better now that Dylan was here. Something about his friend just made him less insecure. He wouldn't call it sure of himself, but at least it was better than before he met Dyl. 

"See, Tyra, you are," Dylan filled in.

"You two are boring," she grumbled and bit into another cherry tomato.

Zach chuckled, and the sound was so shocking that the other three looked up and stared at the guy. Zach shrugged his shoulders, as if saying, what, before attacking his food again. 

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