21. confrontation

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2 months later

"No, Sebastian. You're not going to spend another evening with that boy. You know I disapprove of him, and the Marsdens are coming again. This time you will meet their daughter!" Seb's mother snapped. 

It was Friday and Kaiden had asked him to come over to watch a movie. He was never allowed to stay the night, but they usually made the most of their time together. Kaiden's parents knew they were together, and were very laid back about the whole thing. It was a blessing. 

Also, since the day they broadcasted their relationship at school everyone there knew, so they had plenty of time together during weekdays. However, weekends were another matter entirely. Seb's mother made him do chores and typically grounded him for the silliest things. His dad tried to prevent it, but it didn't seem to work anymore. She had taken such a huge dislike to Kaiden for no obvious reason, and it made things very difficult. 

"Please, I'm going to dine with his parents. It's been planned the entire week," Seb pleaded. 

"Well, why didn't I know of it until tonight?"

He didn't have a reply to that. He couldn't really say that he knew she would say no if he asked. 

"I forgot..."

"Then it's your fault!"

It churned in Seb's stomach. He hated when she did this. Her tone held that harsh note that meant he wouldn't get his way this time. With tears threatening behind his eyes, he fled up to his room. He didn't care that she was shouting behind him, and couldn't really hear what she said. 

He closed the door behind him and sat down on the narrow bed. He wished that Kaiden was there with him, but he knew that wouldn't happen. Hearing his voice would be the next best thing, and he had a reason to call anyway. 

He pressed call and pressed the phone to his ear. 

"Hi, babe, what's up?" Kaiden said, sounding as cheerful as ever. Seb closed his eyes for a bit, letting his boyfriend's mood settle his nerves. 

"She said no..."

He heard a sigh in the background. Kaiden never said out loud what he thought of Seb's mother, but it was pretty clear he didn't like her very much. It wasn't so strange, and Seb didn't blame him. 

"What reason did she use this time?"

"She's invited the Marsdens again, trying to hook me up with their daughter." 

"She's not giving up, is she?"

"No..." he replied, chewing a little on his lip. He was so tired of her. He was tired of keeping the thing that meant the most to him a secret, and he hated that she ruined everything for them. Or at least she ruined enough. No, tired didn't cover it anymore. He was sick and tired of it. 

Suddenly, determination bubbled up within him. "I'm going to tell her," he said. 

"You are?" Kaiden replied, sounding a little hesitant. "I mean, Seb... are you sure?"

"I'll talk to my dad first. He'll know what to do. I can't go on like this." He meant it. He was so torn inside from the struggles at home. It was as if his mother knew something was going on and punished him for it constantly. If he allowed this to continue, every shred of confidence Kaiden had instilled in him would just fly out the window. 

"Do you want me to come over?" Seb smiled at Kaiden's words. His boyfriend was the best ever, but this time it probably wasn't such a good idea. 

"Perhaps later, I think I need to deal with this first. But I'll call as soon as I can."

"Okay... just be careful, Seb, and good luck!"

"Yeah, thanks." 

They closed the call and Seb was left staring at the blank display. With every second that passed, his determination seemed to trickle out of him. Before it vanished entirely, he stood up, went to the door and down the stairs. 

He found his dad in the small library. It was a home office of sorts that his dad used now and then. He knocked on the door frame, and his dad looked up from his book. 

"Hi, champ. What's up?"

Seb's lips lifted into a small smile. He loved his dad, and if someone knew what to do, it was him. 

"Dad, I think I've reached my limit..."

His dad waved him into the room. Seb closed the door and went to sit in the chair by the window. 

"You want to break the news?" his dad asked. Seb was a little surprised that his dad had caught on so fast, but in a way it saved him from having to explain. 


"Then why are you talking to me?"

"Because I want to know what you think."

"I think that you have to decide. I'm not sure she's going to be very happy."

"I know, Dad. It's just... yeah." He didn't really know how to put it, but hoped his dad would understand. 

"Then you should tell her. Do you want me to come?"

"Perhaps that's for the best..."

"Let's go then. Might as well get it over with." His dad rose from his chair and gave him an encouraging smile. It gave him courage, but it also made him realize that this was it. He was actually doing it. He was telling his mother. It was scary as hell, but it had to happen. 

Together, they went into the kitchen where the only woman in the house prepared for their evening meal. As usual everything seemed to be in neat order. 

"Mother," Seb said, fighting down the nausea that threatened to make him turn back and leave the way he came. 

"Yes, Sebastian. I hope you are here to apologize," she replied, her expression stern. 

"Actually, I won't."

She arched an eyebrow, and it didn't help Seb's cause in the least. He still disliked confrontation despite his newly found confidence. 

"Then what is it?"

"Kaiden is my boyfriend." He didn't know how else to put it, and he thought that he might as well get it out there. He knew there wouldn't be a good or a bad way to break the news to her, all ways would be equally bad. 

Her glare went from angry to enraged. 

"Tell me you're joking. Right now! This is not funny, Sebastian!"

"I'm not."

"Then you're never going to see that boy ever again."

It felt like her words stabbed him right through his heart. Even if he had expected something like this, it didn't hurt any less. 

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