16. pizzas and pillow fight

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"Seb, why don't we order pizza?" Tyra said an hour later. They were sitting in the living room, taking up two large sofas with their splayed bodies. Seb was sitting in one corner with Kaiden next to him, but the others were lying all over the dark grey cushions.

They had been talking non stop, and Seb was grateful that his friends hadn't gone out of their way to embarrass him more than once. He could see that Tyra was aching to question him about Kaiden, even if Kaiden was sitting right there; and he was sure she would have if not for Dylan's glares. 

"Of course!" Seb piped up. His friends shot him odd stares while Kaiden only chuckled. "What?"

"You're awfully excited about pizza, Seb," Dylan said, smirking. 

"Cut it out, Dyl, can't you see our little boo is happy. Of course he's excited," Tyra replied, beaming just as wide. 

Seb blushed, his cheeks growing red and uncomfortably warm. Kaiden leaned closer and touched the shell of Seb's ear with plump lips. "I'm happy too," Kaiden breathed, sending a hot brush of air across Seb's sensitized skin. 

"Oh this is so unfair," Seb mewled out, which had everyone laughing. His fingers grabbed around a cushion, and with a soft thud it hit Kaiden's face. The look Kaiden shot him was hilarious, so he joined the laughter, letting go of a lot of anxiety through the motions and sounds that wrecked through his body. Ten seconds later the room erupted in a large pillow fight -- or rather, cushion fight. 

Dylan and Tyra ganged up on Zach, who fought hard to keep the other two at bay. Seb and Kaiden had their own fight, running around the living room, dodging each other's attempts. Seb's stomach cramped from all the laughter, and when Kaiden hit him across his chest, he slumped down on the soft carpet and folded his body to relieve the sweet pain. 

When his breaths finally reached further down into his lungs, he pried open his eyes and was startled to find that Kaiden was hovering above him, clearly waiting for him to come back to his senses. Kaiden looked away for a second, and then crashed his lips against Seb's, stealing a kiss while the others were too busy to notice. Seb opened his mouth, and Kaiden's tongue took full advantage. 

Neither one of them noticed that the others left the room discretely. Seb was too enraptured to care, and his hands seemed unaware of any kind of decency. They ran along Kaiden's sides, up onto his back, then down towards Kaiden's butt. Kaiden made a sound that reminded him of a low growl, nipping at his lower lip.

They continued like that, and lost track of time. Their heated session didn't cease until the doorbell rang throughout the house. Seb gasped, opened his eyes and was approaching panic-mode until Kaiden's soft smile made him forget about the implicating position they were in.

"You guys finished out there?" Tyra yelled from the kitchen. "Because I think that's our pizzas."

Kaiden scrambled off of Seb's body and helped him stand up. Seb's knees were a bit wobbly, but more than anything else he felt awesome. His entire body tingled with the sweet tremors of discovered passion.

"We'll get the pizza," Kaiden told the others. They were still hiding in the kitchen, and Seb was happy that they would get another minute to get it together. "You okay?" Kaiden mumbled.

"Yeah, more than okay."

"Good," Kaiden replied, squeezing his side with a comforting hand.

Seb scrambled away towards the door, but not before the bell had rung for a second time. He opened the door and shuffled some money out of his pocket. "This enough?" he said, and they guy with a white cap and blue uniform nodded, handing over five boxes.

Suddenly his two friends and Zach were over him like vultures, stealing one box each.

"This looks delicious!" Tyra exclaimed as she opened one.

"Are you sure you're not actually a guy?" Dylan asked, looking inquisitively at Tyra.

"What? Because I like pizza? Boy, you're delusional!"

"Did you just call me boy?" Dylan shot back with faked upset.

"Aren't you?" Zach said, and his face was just as unaffected as ever. It totally ruined the mood, making all the others fidget around until Zach started to laugh. "Your faces. Priceless!"

"That wasn't fun!" Dylan said, pouting. Zach flicked a finger on Dylan's lower lip, which definitely wiped the pout off of Dylan's face.

"Come on now lovebirds, I'm starving!" Tyra called out, already half-way to the kitchen.

When the credits of The Avengers rolled down the screen, Seb came back to life; he'd obviously missed the entire movie. He was snuggled into Kaiden's side, and it was just the right temperature, warm but not too warm. He peered at the others and noticed that he was the only one awake. It was late, and the day had been quite exhausting. 

Taking the chance to stare at Kaiden while he was still sound asleep, Seb went all creepy, roaming his eyes all over Kaiden's beautiful face. He smiled at the freckles, the long lashes, the plump lips, and the perfect nose. He couldn't believe that this was actually happening. 

As his eyes traveled up from those lips to Kaiden's eyes, he found that he no longer was the only one awake. 

"Why don't we sneak up to your room?" Kaiden whispered. Seb's heart started to beat a lot louder, just from such a simple suggestion. Or was it really simple? Seb's body became a bundle of wonderful nerves. This time it wasn't a bad feeling. It was perfect. 

"Yes, we should," Seb replied, rising from the couch and extending his hand to the guy who smiled the best smile Seb had ever seen. 

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