Chapter 16: In The Air

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"I have to say I'm a fan of you two," Dustin says, wiggling his pointer and middle finger to gesture towards Joyce and Hopper. After preparing dinner for everyone, they tiredly plopped down right next to each other, Joyce's arm leaning into the chief's side unknowingly.

Hopper raises his eyebrows, "that's good kid," he says dryly, "we've been dying for your approval." Will lets out a snort at the comment along with seeing his mom's slightly embarrassed face.

"There's something in the air here, I'm telling you," the curly-haired boy continues, "romance is everywhere! Everywhere! I'm disgusted!"

Lucas nudges him, "you're just mad 'cause you're not getting any" the boy says before sarcastically throwing in, "since, you know, neither of the twins are actually into you."

Max and El exchange a knowing look, remembering the way Amanda longingly stared at the boy now slapping Lucas's arm. They wouldn't dare tell him he was on to something though, knowing Dustin would take that knowledge and run with it; besides, it wasn't their place to out their new friend's secret, even for a member of the party.

Eleven and Hopper decide to clean up dinner while Joyce and the boys attempt to start the fire, nighttime falling quickly.

"So," Hop begins, "are you having fun?" Nodding eagerly, she gives him a big smile.

"Yes, a lot," she states, "thank you again for coming."

That was the only way he was allowing her to go. He knew it'd be a lot on Joyce to cook and clean and somewhat supervise the boisterous group of teens; he's also grown very protective over the girl he viewed as a daughter.

"'Course kid," he says, trying to not get choked up, "it seemed to work out for me, didn't it?" he playfully says, nodding his head towards Joyce whose animately debating with Mike the best way to set the fire up.

El gives him a smirk, "I knew it," she says before pausing to think for a second. She suddenly exclaims, "Jopper!"

She's met with her dad's confused expression and shakes her head with a roll of her brown eyes, "Joyce and Hopper, your ship name," she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

The man can't help but smile before shaking his head, feeling his heart swell at how truly happy and at peace El seems. She hears a loud laugh from Mike, her smiling brightening when she looks over at the group. The chief doesn't miss the softness in her eyes when she looks over or the dopey smile the lanky boy throws back at her, giving her a small wave.

"Go ahead kid," Jim says, "I got it." El smiles sweetly at him, shaking her head.

"No, I wanna help." Together, they clean off the table while El tells him about all of her favorite memories of the summer so far.

The fire is burning and the teens are sitting around warming their cold hands from the nighttime temperature drop. Joyce and Hopper decided to go down to the lake before heading into their tent, wanting to give the party some space on their last night. Will's telling them a story about his wretched history teacher before he sees the six familiar teens coming their way, his face brightening before completely forgetting about the story and jogging over to greet them.

"Hey guys!" he says cheerfully, "we're so happy you were able to...." His eyebrows are drawn together when he notices Amanda struggling to hold a giant black boombox, "...bring a boombox?" he says with a giggle.

Smiling wide, she does her best to showcase it without dropping it. "Cool, right?" she says happily, "I figured if it's a goodbye party, we'd need some music!"

Nodding his head, everyone goes ahead to greet the others leaving Will and Chris lingering back. "Hi," Will squeaks out, giving him a shy smile. Chris smiles back, "hey."

Summer 1985 - Mileven/Jopper/LumaxWhere stories live. Discover now